Diamonds Show Monday - Thurs 8:30 pm EST, Surprise! segment, Cynthia with Astrology, Candy shop news, Special Guests, Building Relations with OUR Star Families with Chris, Learning "Who YOU Really are"
Recorded Line Via Phone 641-715-3813 pin 883267# Press # for the most recent call, or enter a previous reference # (Call by Skype phone via Skype credits or Skype phone using same number & pin above.)
Ask and ye shall receive. The Thrive Movement loaded my inbox with good news today that proves We, The People are making great headway in our efforts to break free of the tyranny of the shadow government and the cabal.
For those who felt like nothing was happening... I think you'll see that it most certainly was, and it will continue!
Check out this link to a whole page of good news stories about people who are awake---and not just in the USA! elizabeth diamond adding: lots of canabis news on this page. wow
There is a pattern of awakening that foretells more than any of these individual good news stories — a consistent movement away from government tyranny that demonstrates the power of sovereignty, and the principles of integrity and liberty. Check out the short audio to see the trend and experience the power we all have to help create successful solutions.
Our July gateway is July 4 -14. You may feel it arriving as this wave hits the Sun. Gaia is about to adjust to the amplification of Divine HUmans on her surface; the June revelations and embodiments of this new level of light have greatly amplified the HUman heart grid. Blessings upon everyone exploring all that is available on a personal level, and taking on these embodiments with grace. July brings expansion of what was revealed last month, and it is anticipated to be a bit more intense, in a good way. Always in a good way. Take advantage of these waves as they dissolve the personal and planetary boundaries on our perception.
The more HUmans fully realizing their personal ascension into higher states of Christed consciousness, the brighter the HUman grid becomes. It is our unification with the crystalline grid and our Higher Levels; the bringing Heaven to Earth scenario. We have a tremendous affect on the collective consciousness. As the Noosphere reflects this to Gaia, she will adjust accordingly. All is well.
Timeline Splicing
If you work with timelines, you may have learned to cut entire sections of your personal ascension timeline in order to shorten the perceived distance between key events. Many of us (not all) created this Ascension experience in the future, then went back in time to play it out and assist during the Shift. I AM one of those beings, and as I became aware of the flexibility of personal timeline choices, I decided to cut and paste the point on the timeline when the future Self and the current embodiment cross paths.
In my personal journey, I could see the moment when my future Self met my current Self, so I shortened the timeline when I would run into myself. The New Light triggers the opportunity, however the intention of Let’s do this Now was accelerated by trimming the timeline. Note: Splicing timelines also means that everything which was to be learned, karmic contracts, and service work are sped up to accommodate the intention. Your lessons and Soul contracts unfold in a shorter amount of linear time, which can be challenging.
Kindwhile, I ran right into myself. I have met a few Selves; Star aspects (formerly external Pleiadians), Divine Christed template aspects (Divine Will presented first), Higher Selves in 5D and 6D, and Ascended Master aspects (formerly projected as external Masters). It is a dreamy affair to encounter oneself in the physical. I hope everyone is comprehending this step properly – we have a telepathic communion occurring with a visual projection of our Higher Selves or Higher dimensional beings right in front of us. After years of guidance beyond the veil and third-eye experiences, we have finally merged the lower dimensions so that an eyes-wide-open, clear exchange with our higher aspects can occur. It adds a new layer to the First Contact scenario, and I feel many of us are beginning to understand what that is truly about.
It is best to be in know-nothing mode when aspects of self present. Ask questions until you attain the co-creation level. Our skills as re-creators (more of the same dynamics, beliefs, thoughts, etc) can override and block new information. Open up! Be not afraid of what you truly are, or what you thought you were. It was a crazy, brilliant game we were playing. No judgment if you scrambled some of the Self-intel; technically you agreed to a creation. Now you get to un-create it instantly if you desire effortless surrender of those creations.
There is a deep connection to Source through these new conversations with Self. The divine fractal is so clear; the microcosm of my experience which reflects Source’s experience of discussing itself with itself. It is profound for me, and I will share some of these conversations soon. Some exchanges are difficult to recreate in writing, so I AM exploring how to relay the feeling, the communion aspect without belittling the experience.
The Romance of Self
My goodness this Divine reunion feels incredibly romantic. I AM enamored with the Divine metaphor of all that we have been, all that we are, and what we are becoming in this Now moment. As the veils drop on the old experience, I AM awash in the true light of the True Self. That love extends to all of creation, and the sense of Self-as-Universe takes on another level.
Everything takes on a heightened state of Divine Love as we dissolve the philosophies and mind-level understanding of what was, and finally embody the truth of those old paradigm prophecies. For those not experiencing the new level of Divine Love on this planet, imagine all the times you have been deeply, blissfully in love and magnify it a thousandfold. It washes away all of the illusion of distortion; there is nothing here but Love. HUmanity is catching on to the truth, and the Unity grid is building strength exponentially each moment.
The Revelation of Experience
Some revelations are humorous, some challenging, all of them brilliant. I have always held a deep appreciation for what is happening to us, and I feel that is key to flowing with the New Light. The higher realms have been focusing on the experience of revelation, reminding me that every sensation, every moment, is to be shared with all levels of Self.
In the Old Paradigm it seemed our Higher levels felt our experience. Our vibrational mis-match did not allow for the richness of our experience to be shared. Now that the great merge of Self is occurring, I AM reminded that the sensations of our embodiment – every experience, feeling, observation – has value to the Higher Realms as we reconnect and create a new expression. Share your experiences, beloveds, these are the precious moments of reunion we have been working for. It truly assists the merge to share what you see, feel, experience as the merge unfolds.
The Revelation of Unique Expression
There is a lot coming in on this subject of revelation, which is why I AM attempting to be thorough and ease into what is happening here. Our Unique experience, our unique expression, is very important as we fully realize Unity consciousness. Let us remember that Unity Consciousness is not about being assimilated into a big Source-blob. In the old light, we spread rumors of Oneness based on giving up our identity, surrender, and beliefs about the HUman experience. We had to go through that phase as part of our Ascension process. As these revelation passages open over the next few months, we are capable of understanding higher level intelligence. We move out of the old paradigm religion of the new age and into the next, the new, the Now of what is being revealed.
Oneness is not a faceless, nameless state. The Union at heart-level honors the billions of individual expressions of HUman on this planet, and all journeys are encouraged to explore their unique facet of Creative intelligence – after we drop the lower level domination of the old paradigm Self (Ego, emotion, mind, kharma). This is why a state of non-judgment is vital to achieving the merge; we un-create the religious beliefs (that includes new age thought) when we actively pursue the Now; no more past life obsession, no fear/anxiety about the future, no need for the drama-as-motivation programs that so many depend on.
Freedom has arrived, not through the escapism of brief out-of-body journeys, but through the merging of denser physical embodiment with the Higher aspects of Self. Embodiment is unique to each expression of Source-in-form, and clarity comes after we master the surrender of what was. No more drone-like behavior, no more collective belief systems that do not serve the New Light. Each of us will bring our unique skills, creativity, and purpose through the merge. The truest characteristics of Self will make the Shift into this creative era. We are merging with an Ascended Gaia designed to support a Golden Race of pure Creator-In-Carnate; a Divine HUman embodiment which encompasses a boundless amount of consistent creativity.
As we merge with our Divine aspects and multidimensional Self, we will realize our uniqueness within the dream of Self-as-Universe. For the moment, know there is comfort in these revelations. I understand we are moving away from the Me tooscenarios for a while. It forces us to honor our own creation, and learn to be sovereign in our new creation of Self. All of us will have our AHA moments, a good laugh at what we believed, and smile at who played what role in body and in the higher realms. It is brilliant, and the metaphors within the dream of Ascension are plentiful.
Revelation of the New Creation
Beyond the reunification of Mastery realms, Star family, finer expressions, and our grounded physical Selves, there is the New Light which brings a new creation. The summary of my experiences here lost any power when I hit this phase. I understand that many will be preoccupied with what role they played along the way to Ascension. I humbly suggest getting over the past life connections quickly, and any attachment to the roles of your multidimensional beingness. It is Spiritual Ego that desires a past or present title to cling to as truth. I understand it can be comforting when one is in the dark to hold up a torch of what was to light your path. But that is not the Now, and recreatingwhat was is old paradigm. The unknown New is brighter than anything which has occurred here.
We are all up to this Mastery challenge – some of us are creating it as it unfolds since we reached zero point. With manifestation comes responsibility, and that is the topic of the next article which includes a reminder to Lightworkaholics about Universal Laws of Free Will and responsible creation.
A 4 MIN: IN A NUT SHELL, THE ASTOUNDING OF HEMP. FRANCO DE NICOLA LINK TO AWESOME HEMP SHIFTING, 2ND HOUR, AND OUR RAINBOW BODY: JULY 5 Diamonds Call or call 209 255 1099 Pin 883267# Ref 155# Rainbow Body, Transfiguration, Hemp History unraveling the deception
How Marijuana Became Illegal
by Bud Fairy
Sula Io > Q: What is hemp? Just another word for marijuana?
Yeah, and that's one of the things that happened in 1937. Cannabis Hemp was one of history's most widely used plants. Tincture of Cannabis was the basis for almost every patent medicine prior to the discovery of aspirin. Hemp was used for rope, twine, and cloth. Sailing ships were loaded with hemp. The word "canvas" is derived from "cannabis", because that's what canvas was. Sails were made of hemp because salt water deteriorated cotton. Old sails were made into wagon covers and ultimately original Levi's Jeans. And the pressed oil from hemp seeds was used for paints and varnishes. Everyone knew what hemp was. But nobody knew what marijuana was. Basically, it came down to this. America in the 1900's saw two powerful rivals, agriculture and industry, faced off over several multi-billion dollar markets. When Rudolph Diesel produced his engine in 1896, he'd assumed it would run off of vegetable and seed oils, especially hemp, which is superior to petroleum. Just think about that for a second. A fuel that can be grown by our farmers that is superior to foreign oil. What a lot of history would have been rewritten!
Ok. So we have an elite group of special interests dominated by Du Pont petrochemical company and it's major financial backer and key political ally, Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon. Mellon was a banker who took over Gulf Oil Corporation. In 1913, Henry Ford opened his first auto assembly line, and Gulf Oil opened its first drive-in gas station. In 1919, with ethanol fuel poised to comptete with gasoline, Alchohol Prohibition descended on the nation. Lucky Mellon. When President Harding made him Secretary of the Treasury, he was considered the richest man in America. In the 1920's, Mellon arranged for his bank to loan his buddies as Du Pont money to take over General Motors. Du Pont had developed new gasoline additives and the sulfate and sulfite process that made trees into paper.
In the 1930's, Ford Motor Company operated a successful biomass fuel conversion plant using cellulose at Iron Mountain, Michigan. Ford engineers extracted methanol, charcoal fuel, tar, pitch ethyl-acetate and creosote from hemp. The same fundamental ingredients for industry were also being made from fossil fuels.
During the same period, Du Pont was developing cellophane, nylon, and dacron from from fossil fuels. Du Pont held the patents on many synthetics and became a leader in the development of paint, rayon, synthetic rubber, plastics, chemicals, photographic film, insecticides and agricultural chemicals.
From the Du Pont 1937 Annual Report we find a clue to what started to happen next: "The revenue raising power of government may be converted into an instrument for forcing acceptance of sudden new ideas of industrial and social reoganization".
Ok, enter William Randolph Hearst. Hearst's company was a major consumer of the cheap tree-pulp paper that had replaced hemp paper in the late 19th century. The Hearst Corporation was also a major logging company, and produced Du Pont's chemical-drenched tree pulp paper, which yellowed and fell apart after a short time. Fueled by the advertising sold to the petrochemical industries, Hearst Newspapers were also known for their sensationalist stories. Hearst despised poor people, black people, chinese, hindus, and all other minorities. Most of all he hated Mexicans. Pancho Villa's cannabis-smoking troops had reclaimed some 800,000 acres of prime timberland from Hearst in the name of the mexican peasants. And all of the low-quality paper the company planned to make by deforesting it's vast timber holdings were in danger of being replaced by low-cost, high quality paper made from hemp. Hearst had always supported any kind of prohibition, and now he wanted cannabis included in every anti-narcotics bill. Never mind that cannabis wasn't a narcotic. Facts weren't important. The important thing was to have it completely removed from society, doctors, and industry.
Around 1920 or so, a new word arose - "Marihuana". Through screaming headlines and horror stories,"marihuana" was blamed for murderous rampages by blacks and mexicans. Hearst continued to use his power of the press to impress on his readers the dangers of the "marihuana" plant.
When the Federal Bureau of Narcotics was formed in 1932, Mellon's nephew Harry Anslinger was appointed its head, a job in Mellon's treasury department that was created just for him. Treasury agents were beginning to operate on their own agenda. Deep in the throes of the depression, congress began to reexamine all federal agencies. Anslinger began to fear that his department was in danger of emasculation. Although worldwide, hemp was still big business, in 1935 the Treasury Department began secretly drafting a bill called The Marihuana Tax Act. The Treasury Department's general counsul Herman Oliphant was put in charge of writing something that could get past both Congress and the Court disguised as a tax revenue bill. Congress wasn't all that interested in the matter, seeing as all the information they had to work with was what was provided to them by Anslinger. They deliberately collected horror stories on the evils of marihuana pulled primarily from the Hearst newspapers, called Anslinger's Gore Files. Crimes that had never happened at all were being attributed to marihuana. So, in 1937, Anslinger went before a poorly attended committee hearing and called for a total ban on marihuana. He stated under oath "This drug is entirely the monster Hyde, the harmful effects of which cannot be measured". Bureaucrats planned the hearings to avoid the discussion of the full House and presented the measure in the guise of a tax revenue bill brought to the six member House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Du Pont ally Robert Doughton of North Carolina. This bypassed the House without further hearings and passed it over to the Senate Finance Committee, controlled by another ally, Prentiss Brown of Michigan, where it was rubber stamped into law. Once on the books, Anslinger would "administer" the licensing process to make sure that no more commercial hemp was ever grown in the United States. Clinton Hesterm assistant general counsel for the Department of the Treasury, explained to the House Committee " The leading newspapers of the United States have recognized the seriousness of this problem and have advocated federal legislation to control.. marihuana...The marijuana cigarette is one of the most insidious of all forms of dope, largely because of the failure of the public to understand its fatal qualities."
Young Jamaican girls enjoying a toke.
At the last minute, a few pro-hemp witnesses showed up. Most of the confusion came from the using of the word "marihuana". Most people had no idea that "marihuana", merely a slang word taken from a drinking song celebrating Pancho Villa's victory, "La Cucaracha", was the same thing as cannabis hemp, a plant which had been an important crop since the founding of the country. Ralph Loziers of the National Oil Seed Institute showed up representing paint manufacturers and lubrication oil processors, and stated that hempseed was an essential commodity. Dr. William C. Woodward of the American Medical Association spoke in defense of cannabis medicines and in protest of the way the bill was handled. Woodward complained that there was no certain data that marihuana use had increased, and stated that if it had, the "newspaper exploitation of the habit had done more to increase it than anything else". Asked point blank if he thought federal legislation was necessary, he replied "I do not .. it is not a medical addiction that is involved." Woodward went on to criticize the way the word "marihuana" had been used to deliberately confuse the medical and industrial hemp communities. "In all you have heard here thus far, no mention has been made of any excessive use of the drug or its excessive distribution by any pharmacist. And yet the burden of this bill is placed heavily on the doctors and pharmacists of the country, and may I say very heavily - most heavily, possibly of all - on the farmers of this country... We can not understand yet ... why this bill should have been prepared in secret for two years without any initiative, even to the profession, that it was being prepared ... no medical man would identify this bill with a medicine until he read it through, because marijuana is not a drug, ... simply a name given cannabis."
A few days later, Representative Fred Vinson of Kentucky was asked to summarize the AMA's position. He lied to the effect that the medical group's legislative counsul (Woodward) "Not only gave this measure full support, but also the approval from the AMA."
The act passed without a roll call vote. Now we can see why it was prepared in secret - passage of the Act put all hemp industries firmly under the control of the very special interests that most benefited from its repression over the years - prohibition police and bureaucrats working in collusion with the petrochemical companies, the timber companies, the alcohol and tobacco industries, the pharmaceutical drug companies, and today, the urine testing, property seizure, police and prison industries.
In that same year, 1937, Du Pont filed its patent on Nylon, a synthetic fiber that took over many of the textile and cordage markets that would have gone to hemp. More than half the American cars on the road were built by GM, which guaranteed Du Pont a captive market for paints, varnishes, plastics, and rubber, all which could have been made from hemp. Furthermore, all GM cars would subsequently be designed to use tetra-ethyl leaded fuel exclusively, which contained additives that Du Pont manufactured. All competition from hemp had been outlawed The historical essay above was written by Bud Fairy and originally published on SF Net, the coffee house network. The HTML version - with emphasis, pictures and minor editing - was done by Hogeye Bill.
"Dr. Tod's List" - Chronic Conditions Treated With Cannabis
+ Represents citations from pre-1937 medical literature *From Eugene Schoenfeld, M.D. **From Dale Gieringer, PhD CA NORML Hotline ***From Robert Wilson, Hayward Hempery **** Barry R. McCaffrey 12-30-96 Press Conference (quote from John Stuart Mill 1867)
1. Uncodeable and thought to be a specious disease submitted by an undercover agent who presented a false physician's note.
Updated 09-10-2004
Distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.