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Thursday, May 15, 2014
Rare 'mono mono' newborn twins doing well in Ohio
May 12th 2014 11:01AM
AKRON, Ohio (AP) -- Twin girls born with a rare condition in Ohio were breathing on their own and their mom said she and her husband were able to hold them on Mother's Day.
Sarah Thistlethwaite said babies Jillian and Jenna were removed from ventilators Sunday afternoon after they were able to breathe comfortably. She told The Associated Press that she and her husband Bill both held them for a while on Mother's Day.
"It's just hard to put into words how amazing it feels to know the girls are OK," she said. "It's great to know that they're doing so well, and being able to hold them."
The identical twin girls shared the same amniotic sac and placenta. Such births are called monoamniotic, or "mono mono," and doctors say they occur in about one of every 10,000 pregnancies.
They were born Friday at Akron General Medical Center, grasping each other's hands when doctors lifted them up for their parents to see after delivery.
Thistlethwaite told the Akron Beacon Journal that was "the best Mother's Day present ever."
"They're already best friends," said Thistlethwaite, 32. "I can't believe they were holding hands. That's amazing."
Jenna was born first at 4 pounds, 2 ounces and 17 inches, with Jillian following 48 seconds later at 3 pounds, 13 ounces and 17.5 inches.
They were moved temporarily to Akron Children's Hospital because they needed breathing assistance. Thistlethwaite expects to be released from Akron General on Tuesday, while the girls will remain in the hospital two to four weeks.
Dr. Melissa Mancuso helped deliver the twins, one of several amniotic pairs she has helped deliver in 11 years. She said the twins are at risk during pregnancy of entanglement of umbilical cords, which can cause death. Another woman at Akron General is expected to give birth later this week to monoamniotic twins.
Sarah and Bill Thistlethwaite, of Orrville, Ohio, have a son, Jaxon, whose first birthday was Jan. 27. That's the day they also found out she was carrying twins.
"All I could do was laugh," said Bill, 35.
They rushed to prepare their home for the twins, and Sarah was soon on bed rest.
A middle school math teacher, she went into the hospital on March 14.
"It's hard, it really is," she said of extended bed rest. "It was very mentally challenging knowing I have to sit here all day."
Besides television, books and "trashy gossip magazines," she viewed YouTube to learn how to crochet baby hats.
The girls were born at 33 weeks and two days. Mancuso said there were only minor issues during the pregnancy.
Sometimes the girls would kick the monitors off.
"I don't know what they're doing to each other," Sarah said jokingly of her "sweet girls."
Media Lies vs. Liberty Truth, One on One With Ben Swann
Media Lies vs. Liberty Truth, One on One With Ben Swann
“Those who hate the truth, hear only hate when the truth is spoken.”
By Guest Contributor- Rachel Blevins
I recently had the privilege of interviewing Ben Swann for a final paper in one of my classes. While the professor wasn’t too fond of the direction my paper went in, I learned a lot from the interview.
In fact, I probably learned more from the 40 minutes I spent on Skype with Ben Swann, than I did during the entire semester in that class!
If you’ve never heard the name before, Ben Swann spent the first fifteen years of his career working in the world of corporate media as a broadcast anchor in Texas and Ohio. He recently made the move to working in alternative media with the Truth in Media Project, which streams content through popular websites and devices, rather than through local media.
Several of the points Swann made during the interview were ones which really made me think, so I thought it was only right to share them.
We all have ways of gathering news throughout the day, whether it’s watching TV, or getting news updates on our favorite websites. I am willing to bet that most of news we watch, read, and listen to is from the corporate media.
It is so easy to just take whatever the corporate stations like CNN, NBC, and Fox feed us, without asking ourselves if it’s really the whole truth. Then there is alternative media – so, my first question was, what is the difference between the two?
1. Corporate Media vs. Alternative Media
1. Corporate Media vs. Alternative Media
Swann explained that all corporate media in the United States is under the ownership of six companies, which are broken into subsidiaries. Even local news outlets are owned by corporations, and these corporations are constantly looking to shrink costs, while increasing the amount of profit. Those with more experience are constantly being filtered out, as Corporate brings in more young, inexperienced people who are more willing to do whatever they are told.
He went on to say that alternative media differs due to the fact that it is run by independent people, working alone and trying to get the news out. While it doesn’t have the pressure of dealing with corporations, alternative media can be negative, because people in alternative media often feel like they have to do something sensational, in order to get noticed.
2. In terms of corporate media, there is a much greater government influence than the general public thinks there is.
2. In terms of corporate media, there is a much greater government influence than the general public thinks there is.
Starting at the local level, Swann gave the example of corporate media constantly hiring young and impressionable news anchors and reporters.
He pointed out that, “For example, Public Information Officers for local Police Stations – who, ninety-percent of the time, are former reporters – have learned how to manipulate inexperienced reporters into practically regurgitating press releases, by threatening to cut them off if they report otherwise.”
“Local governments like local media” said Swann, “Because they have learned how to manipulate local media.”
At the national level, Swann said that state and federal governments also prefer corporate media, because even though there is a Left-Right Paradigm, everybody still wants access. It’s much easier to manipulate Media when they want access to your people, which they do through the Left-Right Paradigm system that has been set up. It’s much more difficult for State and Federal Governments to manipulate Alternative Media in the same way, because people in Alternative Media are just looking for anything they can find.
3. Saying that you’re covering both sides of the story creates a presumption that there are only two sides to the story.
3. Saying that you’re covering both sides of the story creates a presumption that there are only two sides to the story.
In the United States, there is a common belief that everything political is split up into just two sides. This is what Swann refers to as a “Left-Right Paradigm.”
Swann defined the Left-Right Paradigm as the idea that there are two opposing sides: Republican vs. Democrat, Liberal vs. Conservative; if a person identifies with the right side, everyone on the right is good, and vice versa. He said the U.S. government uses this paradigm to “make you think the two sides are fighting against each other when in reality they’re not.”
Swann called stations like CNN, Fox, and MSNBC tabloid news stations, because they do not challenge the status quo. He explained, “Because our media works in concert with the government to sterilize and sanitize much of the news, we are not given an honest representation of what’s out there.”
Swann went on to say, “50% of the entire American electorate is no longer affiliated with the Republican or Democrat parties. What side is everyone else on? They’re not on a side; they have various points of view and political persuasions, but you would never know it watching CNN or MSNBC or FOX. The reason you wouldn’t know is because they don’t want you to know. They want you to believe there are only two sides: the left and the right.”
4. Government isn’t just trying to exert control on the media, they are trying to change the definition of who qualifies as a Journalist.
4. Government isn’t just trying to exert control on the media, they are trying to change the definition of who qualifies as a Journalist.
Swann shared that another way the United States government controls the media is through Media Shield Laws. He defined these laws by saying, “As a Journalist, if I am in a position where I have a source that gives me information, I do not have to reveal that source in a court of law.”
“Using Media Shield Laws, the U.S. government is deciding who gets Journalistic protection and who doesn’t,” said Swann.
“They pretend they’re doing it for the sake of looking out for real Journalists. These Laws don’t cover Bloggers, and for a while they didn’t include student journalists.”
Swann explained that Senator Diane Feinstein of California and Senator Chuck Schumer of New York have been working to redefine who a journalist is, through Media Shield Laws. Feinstein wants a Journalist to be defined as someone who works for a corporation. The problem with this is that it is possible to have Journalists who aren’t getting paid, but who are producing better work in terms of Journalism, than the corporate people who actually are getting paid for it. Feinstein’s plans for Media Shield Laws also overstep boundaries when it comes to Freedom of the Press.
“If you go back to the First Amendment, and your rights to Freedom of the Press, that is not a profession to be discussed.” Swann explained, “Freedom of the Press does not extend exclusively to someone who is paid to be a Journalist.”
5. Journalism is supposed to be blind, just like justice is blind.
Swann pointed out the fact that, “Journalism is not about shilling for the greater good. It does not weigh whether or not the public should know something, or deserves to know something.”
He explained that, “as a Journalist you do have a right to your Ethics, and to deciding if you’re going to release information that might put another person’s life in danger; but that’s not a pre-requisite for Journalism. That’s just your own ethics, and ethics aren’t about doing what your government thinks is the best idea.”
As George Orwell said, “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else if public relations.”
6. Due to the government’s stranglehold, corporate media often gives us the opposite of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
6. Due to the government’s stranglehold, corporate media often gives us the opposite of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Swann explained that, “the American government has convinced the media that they have a responsibility to the people of the United States, when in fact, they don’t. In America, we have this mentality that says we have to protect the American people by keeping certain information from them, that we think isn’t good for them.”
The first example Swann gave of this, was during the war the United States waged on Iraq. He said that when the United States government killed half a million Iraqi’s, the American media did not relay the information to the public, and they didn’t show any images of Iraqi’s that had been killed by the U.S. The United States government convinced the media that showing the public those pictures would make the United States Army look bad, and would put America in harm’s way.
Swann’s second example of corporate media skewing information for the benefit of the United States government deals with U.S. Drone Strikes. He explained that while pictures showing the aftermath of a U.S. Drone Strike have never been shown on National Corporate Media in the United States, the United States has killed thousands of people in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, and Mali over the past seven years, using Drones. They are continuing to kill dozens of people in each of those countries on a regular basis, through Drone Strikes. Yet, the American people have never been shown pictures of the “Collateral Damage,” as the Department of Defense would call it.
Prior to Ben Swann, not one Network News Anchor or Reporter had questioned President Obama on the constitutionality of a “Kill List” with American citizens on it.
Swann believes that “if the American People knew what our Drone Strike Policy was like, the government wouldn’t be able to carry it out. If the public knew all of the information, they would see that 98% of the time, U.S. Drone Strikes are killing innocent people, and only 2% of the time, do they actually kill the intended targets.”
7. The United States government has yet to shut down social media, like some countries, but they have found a way to manipulate and control it.
Recently, a recorded conversation between four high-ranking officials in Turkey discussing how to create an incident in Syria that would allow them to then send Turkish Troops into Syria to get involved with the Civil War there, was leaked onto YouTube, and then shared on Twitter. Rather than apologizing for, or denying the conversation, the government in Turkey called the person who leaked the conversation a traitor, and then shut down YouTube and Twitter to keep people from sharing the conversation.
After hearing of these events, I had to ask… “Will there ever be a similar social media shutdown in the United States?”
Swann said, “If the United States government felt for any reason that they could or should limit those outlets, they would, but right now they do something different.”
Swann went on to explain that, thanks to Edward Snowden, we are aware of a program that has been in place, not to restrict access to social media, but to manipulate it. People are paid by our government to create disinformation and crazy, radical conspiracy theories, and to spread them on the internet, in order to create so much crazy content out there that people don’t know what’s true and what’s not. He summed it up by saying, “government is using our tax dollars to take credibility away from the people on the Internet whose theories are actually close to the truth.”
It’s not the same as shutting down the social media sites, but it is a different type of tactic.
8. The most important story of 2013: The War in Syria that never happened.
8. The most important story of 2013: The War in Syria that never happened.
While it may seem like corporate media’s ties with the government makes them omnipotent, and unstoppable, that is not always the case. One exception was what Ben Swann called, “the most important story of 2013.”
“The United States government was determined to go to war, and to start firing missiles into Syria – even though they were already covertly funding Al-Qaeda in Syria,” said Swann. “Politicians didn’t stand up to it, and Media definitely didn’t stand up to it. Not only was Bill O’Reilly calling for War, but so were Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper. The highest paid people at each of the networks were supporting war in Syria, even though 89% of the American public was not.”
While there was not one report from CNN, FOX, or MSNBC that admitted that going to war with Syria would hand Syria over to Al-Qaeda, new media was able to get the truth out. Ultimately, the reason the public was not for the war, was because new media created content that was shared through social media, that persuaded the public otherwise.
After spending a semester in a class where I was taught to find some middle ground between stations like CNN and Fox, this interview was an eye-opener. It reminded me that there is a whole world of information out there, that is just waiting to be devoured. It also made me take into consideration where loyalties lie when it comes to media. As Thomas Jefferson once said, “When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty.”
Mainstream Media’s Latest Distraction: Abducted Nigerian Girls
Mainstream Media’s Latest Distraction: Abducted Nigerian Girls

Join David in a two-and-a-half-hour epic journey through time and space -- covering Flight 370, interplanetary climate change, hidden world pyramids, the holographic universe, ghosts, the defeat of the Cabal and the blending of realities!
UPDATED Same evening, 9:38 pm: A very interesting synchronicity happened by the LAX airport after we published this article! See in red below. Additional update next morning.
Our epic Flight 370 article came out a month ago yesterday. I had intended to finish the next part much earlier than this, but it's been a wild month!

Bryan Singer, a major Hollywood director who did the first and second X-Men films, has been slammed with pedophilia charges.
This event has already started triggering an avalanche of disclosure.
Until we face the problems in our world head-on, we cannot hope to ever change them.
I went through and watched all of Bryan Singer's movies to see if they promote a Cabal agenda -- and the answer became quite obvious.

"Apt Pupil" is such a Nazi-worshipping movie it was hard to watch. The degree to which the kid in the movie embraces Nazism makes it a true horror film.
Filmmaking comes from a place of passion about the subject material -- and it is common for the director to emotionally identify with the content.
The teenager played by Brad Renfro discovers that a Nazi war criminal, played by Ian McKellen, is living near his home under an assumed name.
The kid singlehandedly blackmails the Nazi into revealing all sorts of details -- including what it felt like to murder people in the gas chambers.
The more the boy hears, the more he wants to hear -- and he becomes increasingly obsessed with the details.

The boy's fantasy sequences led to the now-infamous shower scenes where molestation of the child actors was alleged.
"Apt Pupil" Shower Scene Controversy
In 1995, The Usual Suspects director Bryan Singer decided to buy the rights (reportedly for only $1), once they’d lapsed and been returned to [Stephen] King, in an effort to finally bring the story to the screen.
He had infinitely more luck than his predecessors and the film was released in 1998 to mixed, but predominantly positive reviews.
Despite this, rumours about Singer's purported predilection for the young actors who were reported to have been asked to strip for the locker room shower scene were rife.
A lawsuit from the extras involved was filed but was unsuccessful, quashing Singer's legal troubles. It was enough to leave a lasting impression and a nasty taste with some viewers....
[The movie] presents a fascinating look at the fragile psychology of a borderline sociopathic teen who happens to choose the most startlingly inappropriate mentor possible....
[Lead teenage actor Brad] Renfro is a more-than-adequate foil, proving once again what a tragedy it is that hepassed away at only 25.
Compared to River Phoenix while he was alive, he followed that comparison to the letter and suffered a similarly self destructive end....
In light of the new accusations of death threats, we have to wonder if Brad Renfro really committed suicide or if he may have been murdered -- as a warning to others.
This is precisely what we are hearing in the new round of allegations. Singer claimed to be part of something he called "The Group."
This group controls Hollywood, thereby controlling public information and belief -- and anyone who stands up to them is threatened with murder.
Or, as in the case of Corey Haim, the abuse Renfro endured may have been so intense that he self-annihilated in a death spiral of drug abuse.



Ian McKellen also appears in Singer's next film -- The X-Men -- and again is involved with Nazis, this time as their child victim rather than participant.

The scene of the young "Magneto" being pulled away from his parents as they are hauled into the concentration camp is very intense.

NEW TECKNOWLEDGY....FREE ENERGY....QEG: Official update from Jamie- May 10th
QEG: Official update from Jamie- May 10th
Posted: 12 May 2014 07:54 AM PDT
This is the latest update from Jamie about the QEG in Aouchtam Morocco.
.... People need to remember that this is a product in DEVELOPMENT. All of this was made very clear during the open sourcing and the lead up to all the information being opened to the public.
....... I would also like to add a note that so far that I've seen, out of the over 600 people that donated money to develop the QEG, no one has demanded their money back. All the people trying to throw rotting fruit at Hope and Val and Jamie over the "donations" and the money questions aren't even the ones that donated money anyway! And THAT should tell you something.
from sunny Aouchtam....
Love D
Hi everyone! We've not had internet for the past couple of days since I promised an update. Here it is from Jamie:
Morocco QEG Build – General Progress Update – Part 1 10-May-2014
From: Jamie
To: All our Amazing Supporters and Followers
From: Jamie
To: All our Amazing Supporters and Followers
As I’m sure everyone is aware, we have had many engineers and technicians here in Morocco working on the QEG with us in the last 3 weeks. Of particular note are the guys from Germany and the German speaking countries, Holland, UK, Canada, and Slovenia. Thanks to these dedicated individuals for their time, effort, and support, spiritually as well as technically… And thanks also to all the amazing and selfless people who brought us parts for the QEG in their suitcases and carry-ons without regard for risk involved. All have contributed to this endeavor, and all are greatly appreciated!
I must personally apologize to all for not publishing more material and more of my own comments on progress etc., to date. It has been a struggle to keep the build and the development process moving forward due mostly to difficulty sourcing parts here, and researching design questions. There has been little choice but to just keep working and try to catch up with your questions, comments and communication whenever internet/phone are available (which is only about 3% of the time in Aouchtam). The engineers and residents here have just made some improvements with the internet hardware, so we’re expecting communications to be a bit better now going forward. And hopefully this update will clear up most of the technical concerns and lack of documentation.
I’m sure the question in everyone’s mind is: How close are we to overunity? Well, here in Morocco, we are very close, within about 200 Watts (800 Watts out for 1000 Watts in at this point in development). We have heard yesterday and today that (2) other groups have completed the basic QEG build, and have resonance. This is good news, since the more people we have working on the development, the faster we will reach our goal.
In the last few days, several negative posts and comments have been circulating about what we are doing here. This is astonishing to us! Apparently some groups and individuals were expecting a completely finished product to be delivered into their hands, with nothing left to do. We have always said that as soon as we got the basic resonance from the machine, we would open source all the information we had, and that’s what we’ve done. The intent was to co-develop the machine in an open source platform, with input, comments, test data, solutions and suggestions shared transparently between all groups that have chosen to build the machine.
Continuing in that spirit, here is a snapshot of our current status…
As we’ve said before, after the mechanical build, it’s not too difficult to get the machine into resonance, since it is a variable frequency generator. We were instructed (by WITTS) to ’match’ the electrical resonance (‘tank’ circuit resonant frequency), with the mechanical resonance (self-resonant frequency of the steel core) which was stated to be around 400 Hz. It was also stated that type M21 steel should be used for the core (however, M21 has been obsolete for many years), and that type M19 could also be used, but the resonant frequency would be lower. It was stated that a ‘harmonic’ could be used, such as 200 Hz, and that would work also. We decided to look for a peak power point (fundamental resonant frequency) between 1733 RPM (116 Hz output frequency) and 3008 RPM (200 Hz output), as this seemed a reasonable speed range for the mechanical setup (Witts’ machine is running about 2450 RPM in the latest video).
As we’ve said before, after the mechanical build, it’s not too difficult to get the machine into resonance, since it is a variable frequency generator. We were instructed (by WITTS) to ’match’ the electrical resonance (‘tank’ circuit resonant frequency), with the mechanical resonance (self-resonant frequency of the steel core) which was stated to be around 400 Hz. It was also stated that type M21 steel should be used for the core (however, M21 has been obsolete for many years), and that type M19 could also be used, but the resonant frequency would be lower. It was stated that a ‘harmonic’ could be used, such as 200 Hz, and that would work also. We decided to look for a peak power point (fundamental resonant frequency) between 1733 RPM (116 Hz output frequency) and 3008 RPM (200 Hz output), as this seemed a reasonable speed range for the mechanical setup (Witts’ machine is running about 2450 RPM in the latest video).
We arranged a test using small increments of capacitance (about 7 nF each) starting at the low RPM end (about 1733 RPM, with C of 332 nF). We did 45 iterations, in order of increasing frequency, with the input power fixed at 700 watts. The target was to plot output power against input power to try to develop a bell curve showing a peak resonant frequency. After 43 iterations, we went back to the first C/RPM value to verify it had not changed, and added one more iteration at an extra-low frequency (1727 Hz = 115Hz output frequency). We also did one shot with the input power fixed at 900 Watts (see attached tabbed spreadsheet “QEG Resonance Plot.xlsx”).
As can be seen from the data, the expected trend did not really emerge from this test. The curve is quite flat (no curve) in the targeted speed range, and there is no obvious increase in power. The extreme low RPM end has the best power output and phase lock effect, which also seems to increase linearly as frequency is reduced. However this result doesn’t really fit with the mechanical setup (machine is running too slow) or with expectations from the WITTS instructions. We are currently testing at 3000 RPM (200 Hz) and above, to determine whether or not there is a peak power point in this range (which seems too fast).
It’s possible the 7nF steps we used were too large, but not likely that the peak resonant point would be that sharp. If we do not find a peak in the range of 200 Hz and above, we will assume that the exciter coil must be in place and operational to be able to find the ‘sweet spot’ in tuning the capacitors to the core resonance. We are determined to document and publish the technique necessary to do this ‘etheric’ tuning.
We have also heard from others who have taken the WITTS classes, that an antenna of 20 to 50 feet in length, along with the earth ground(s), are important to bring energy in from the environment, and that the exciter coil can be connected in the primary circuit or the secondary circuit. We will try all possible combinations of these connections, and report our findings in Part 2 of this update.
We are having some preliminary success with the exciter coil wired in series with the primary, at a nominal RPM/C value of 2700/140nF. The output is loaded with 6 100 Watt, 240V incandescent lamps, wired in series to provide a relatively light load, but allowing the output voltage to rise as high as 1440 volts (240 Volts X 6). While adjusting the rotor speed to provide about 500 Volts output, we have a small spark in the gap. We have been able to tickle the spark gap and keep a small arc going for several seconds at a time.
We will continue with testing for a max resonance point in the speed range of 200 Hz and above, and also with examining exciter coil effects on power output. We will provide results and analysis of testing in Part 2 of this update, in a few days.
We are very grateful to 3 of our UK guys who have provided a complete array of test equipment, delivered personally last night here in Morocco. This will be invaluable to us for ongoing development, and to publish readings and results.
(Also attaching the update word document here and the QEG Resonance Plot excel spreadsheet.)
Stay ‘tuned’ for more…
Much Love and Light!
Much Love and Light!
I cannot embed the doc here, but you can find it at this link:
"""BREAKING"""">>>>> MAY 15 2014 WOW! 'UFO Takes Down Russian Rocket'
WOW! 'UFO Takes Down Russian Rocket'
Published on May 15, 2014
Standard YouTube License
Benjamin Fulford - May 13, 2014 Lots of chatter about arrests, take-down of Zionist/Nazi cabal
Benjamin Fulford - May 13, 2014
Lots of chatter about arrests, take-down of Zionist/Nazi cabal
There is lots of chatter in e-mails, blogs, and direct news sources indicating that some sort of take-down of the Zionist/Nazi cabal is under way. At the same time, there are many signs in the so-called mainstream news that the United States corporate government is isolated. “(US Defense Secretary Chuck) Hagel, (US Secretary of State John) Kerry and (former US Secretary of State Condoleezza) Rice have become international pariahs,” is how an MI5 source described the situation.One clear indication is that German and other non-US newspapers are reporting that Blackwater/Academi/Greystone mercenaries have been murdering people in the Ukraine.
The French, meanwhile, are still building warships for the Russians, despite the big Ukraine Nazi propaganda campaign. This proves the Europeans have completely rejected the latest Nazi scheme to start world war III.
The mathematics of the world power balance are now indisputably in favor of the BRICS alliance. The BRICS alliance now controls 90% of the world’s population and 68% of its GDP, according to the latest World Bank and other data.
With the Europeans now entering the BRICS camp, the United States Zionist authorities have no choice but to surrender.
The main reason for a delay in long anticipated announcements of what is to come next is the lack of a consensus about what will replace the old control grid.
There are intensive ongoing discussions about this going on now and this is what is being said
by the various parties.
The cabal has been defeated and it is now time to start the new financial system. The BRICS are in no hurry to build their alternative because time is on their side. They view the US regime as a dying lion and know that instead of trying to fight it, it is better to wait for nature to take its course. As it does, the BRICS are quietly building up new institutions to fill in the void that will be created by the demise of the cabal financial structures.
A Chinese government source says that something big is going on in China and Korea concerning the financial system but that it was still not clear what. He did say though that the Koreans were still actively lobbying to help some US factions to cash historical bonds. The official has been recalled to Beijing next week so hopefully more details will be available on this subject later this month.
In the meantime, if the United States is to bounce back from its cabal induced defeat, the military and the agencies need to act quickly to overthrow the Nazi regime that completed its power grab there with the 911 false flag attack.
On this end, we are getting several e-mails every day from agency and pentagon sources saying the “arrests have started.” However, there have been so many false alarms and unmet promises that until we actually see it happen, these mails will be interpreted as wishful thinking. Like any bubble, you can be certain the cabal control bubble will burst but you cannot predict exactly when that will happen. The bottom line is that things will only get worse in the US until the military and agencies get the cohones to nationalize the Federal Reserve Board.
David Wilcock Comments on Ben Fulford’s 5-13-14 Post, Part 2: “So ‘Benjamin Fulford’ = ‘Benjamin Franklin’???”

[Link to Part 1.]
[Comment link] “I haven’t even read this yet but I just woke up from an incredible dream about this particular post. I expected it to be early, soon after I woke up, and I was right.Furthermore, I heard an incessant message in the dream saying that Benjamin Fulford is the reincarnation of Benjamin Franklin.It’s in the faces — though Fulford is thinner. Fulford’s eyes don’t droop as much.Sure enough, someone else has already seen it, as a quick Google search popped up:Remember — Dr. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Jim Tucker have investigated well over 3000 cases of children who remember having been someone else before, and then end up having a forensic face-match with that person.It also makes sense that Fulford would be completing a karmic pattern that was unfinished as Franklin. Though Americans have a tendency to worship the “Founding Fathers,” it is obvious that Franklin had personality distortions — though he did accomplish a great thing by helping lead the way. It’s an amazing thought to see this as a reincarnation case, in my opinion.Then, since The Synchronicity Key talks about how cycles are always at play in the cases of reincarnation, I said “could there be an American Revolution / BRICS revolution cycle playing out?”I already saw a Rome / US overlap predicting key events in 2014, but we can’t be sure that it will “all” happen in one year. This is all taking longer than I thought, though there is definite progress along the way.That led to a quick calculation. The main cycles I identified were the Zodiac cycle of 2,160 years (such as between Rome and the US) and the Zodiac quarter-cycle of 539 years (such as the precise time-lock between the Battle of Swiecino and 9/11, down to a few days.)Another harmonic cycle is 120 years — though the ‘century’ of 100 years is also cyclical. 120 years divides into the “Great Year” of 25,920 years exactly 216 times, making it perfectly harmonic.The first 120 years after the American Revolution brings us to 1896, which was the precise year that all the problems began with America turning into a war-making state. This was when McKinley got elected and America immediately started moving into the international arena as an imperial power, starting a chain of events that led to the Federal Reserve being founded.I already have this in the book, but only equated 1896 to a cross-over with Rome in the Zodiac cycle. I never caught that 1896 is also 120 years after the American Revolution.So if this first cycle is where the problem got a lot worse, 120 years later it may finally resolve. At the speed things are now going, the cycle equivalent of two 120-year cycles lands on July 4, 2016 — 240 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.This is an interesting hypothesis and needs more research to confirm. What we would need is more data of key events in Franklin’s life and then see how they overlap with Fulford. For example, I believe Fulford went public with this knowledge to the West as of 2007. Subtract 240 from 2007 and see if noteworthy events took place in Franklin’s life at that time.All I know is I had a powerful dream urging me to look into this Ben Franklin / Ben Fulford connection and saying that whatever he wrote in this post (which I haven’t read yet) is very important and things are at a pivotal moment.Since this dream was so intense I look forward to actually reading the post — but not surprisingly there are only two comments as I write this!- David (,[Comment link] “Here is a link that takes you to the image directly instead of the page, which plays piano music without you being able to control it:[Comment link] “It is interesting, Carolm, to speculate if I was also a part of the American Revolution, or have some sort of holographic soul connection to one of those people.
Based on an inspection of the faces and how much they look like my face, the closest match in the painting you posted is with whomever is wearing the red vest and holding the Constitution in his hands, standing just to the right of Franklin.This is not a perfect match but there are certain similarities.I have done my best to write up all the things that are happening, such as with the book Financial Tyranny and my blog posts, and make it more accessible to people who are not “up” on what is going on yet. I could see how this type of writing could parallel the Constitution in the cyclical sense.I’m not sure if I have any direct connection to this or not — the cycles may be from other eras that are all overlapping — but what the heck. I will look into it and see if it lines up.- David[Comment link] “I wouldn’t go too far with that idea… the guy in the photo holding the document is Thomas Jefferson and in other images I don’t look like him at all.I do think historical events create archetypes that others can pop into depending on the choices they make — and there are many people out there making a difference and doing their part to help us co-create a happier, better world.The Fulford / Franklin connection is a very close match and that’s what I was getting dreams about. I am just happy to help out the process in whatever way I can. I do believe we are on the threshold of important changes and I have been urged to keep fighting in many dreams lately.- David[Comment link] “…There are certainly SOME similarities, as you said. His chin is stronger than mine but there are definite connections in the nose and the brow.I would vote for “holographic overlap” more than “direct reincarnation” at this point, if there is a connection. In the case of the Edgar Cayce match it’s just jaw-dropping. This one is interesting but not as persuasive.- David[Comment link] “Franklin was doing medical research, which at that time was in its fledgling stages, and it did involve operations on cadavers.That being said, it could have been something far worse as well.If that is true, then Fulford would be working off a lot of karma in this lifetime and would need to accomplish the same heroic tasks without the hidden negativity from the past.- David[Comment link] “It is an interesting speculation. I would vote for “holographic overlap of character archetypes”.I didn’t know all that about Jefferson and that underlines the archetype even more. And you are absolutely correct about the importance of running comparisons at similar ages.I wouldn’t be doing any of this if I didn’t have extensive assurance that a positive outcome was not only possible, but inevitable.- David”
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