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"With the power of cosmic light and love, I clean Planet Earth of all evil energies..."
This is our second Gaia healing event. There's been so much happening in the community recently that's why I haven't organised this one until now. We will gather as many people at the same time to jointly in a group perform a healing affirmation. If you can't make the time (12:00 Noon GMT) or date then that's fine, please do it in your own time whenever convenient to you. Mother Earth will still receive your love and will still be thankful for it and to you. Also please do this as much and as often as you can, many of us do it daily anyway.
Our Mother Earth is still in much need of healing from the atrocious wounds that others have been causing her, she has received much healing love already but still needs our help very much, we still have much work to do and we're not going to stop any time soon.. We WILL heal Gaia and we will intend her ascension and not leave her behind.
For those who would like something to guide them through the affirmation please follow Loving Alaje's meditation in the event video (the affirmations begin at 2:10 minutes into the video). Or you can use your own method, whatever you prefer is best.
Also if you are able to please light a white candle to burn during the meditation, as this helps to dispel the dark energies and aids the affirmations.
It would be very much appreciated if you could all also invite more guests from your own circles. The more loving souls we can gather for the healing the better, thanks.
Any questions please feel free to ask me or any of the moderators. Thank you from my heart, and sending bright loving white light out to you all! ¸.•*¨ðŸ’š
A US military move against the Zionazis would involve temporarily shutting down the financial system and possibly even the internet. In such an event, major logistics efforts would be needed to ensure the continued supply of food, heat, gasoline and other essentials to the population until the system was rebooted. This would not be a prelude to a fascist government or genocide because the military is staffed by average Americans who know their job is to protect average Americans from all enemies both external and internal. It would simply be a police operation to remove the gangsters who usurped power and return it to the people. This would include ending debt slavery by returning that most fundamental right, that to create and distribute currency, and thus decide the future, to a government of the people and by the people.
Meanwhile, if the rest of the world, especially the world’s leading creditor nations, agree to sponsor a new meritocratically staffed future planning agency, the US military operating around the world would continue to be financed and be immediately redeployed on a new mission. This would be to protect all living creatures on the planet earth and explore the universe. The key to remember is that right now the old leadership and economic structure in the West is headed for a mathematically certain collapse. We must either act now, before it is too late, or watch in horror as Western civilization collapses. (excerpt from Benjamin Fulford report of March 2 2015)
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March 1, 2015
Thousands Of Military Vehicles Lined Up Outside Of Underground Bunkers In America - What Are They Preparing For Now?
Susan Duclos and I took a great interest in the new videos below put out by YouTube videographer Professor Doom1 as we are actually SHOWN where many of the military vehicles on trains are going to across America, to US Army Depots which are spread out across the country. While this linked story from ABC10 about California's Sierra Army Depot answer's ONE of the 'why's' there has been so much military movement here in America recently, our follow-up research has opened a totally new 'Pandora's Box' that you can investigate yourself via the internet; we'll tell you how below this ABC10 story clip 'why'. :
America's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are winding down and billions of dollars of military equipment is coming home. That gear, from high-tech weapons systems to soldiers' boots, is stored at dozens of military depots across the country. Sierra is one of those depots, occupying 36,000 acres of Lassen County high desert between Susanville and Reno.
Most depots have a specialty and Sierra's is storing non-essential equipment. That is gear not included on a unit's standard list of authorized equipment – things like night vision goggles, rifle scopes, radios and generators.
After watching Professor Doom's videos, I decided to use Google Earth to check out a few of the US Army Depot's myself to see what I could find out via the ever present 'eye in the sky' say that I found a 'few' military vehicles would be a huge understatement. To see that military vehicles are lined up EVERYWHERE surrounding underground bunkers at the Red River Army Depot in Hooks, Texas, only begins the mystery.
While we KNOW that the Red River Army depot in Texas has historically been used as a location to store explosive ordinances underground, what we've found in the screenshots below bring up more questions than answers. WHY are there THOUSANDS of military vehicles lined up outside of these underground bunkers? Are they dropping off munitions to be stored there or are they picking up munitions for their 'next battle', possibly here in America? We also have to remember that many of these images for Google Earth were taken back in 2014...what is going on now? (You can check out all of these depots yourself by clicking on links to Google Earth). There are many more screenshots of what we've found below videos; we'd love to know what our readers think.
This next screenshot shows Red River Army Depot again further zoomed out...countless military vehicles surrounding underground bunkers that you'll see much more clearly upon zooming in seen next 2 images below it.
This next screenshot is interesting as it shows the bunker roofs before they were covered over with grass.
This screenshot shows the Red River Army Depot in its' entirety. Storage of vehicles surrounding bunkers shown in more detail above is at middle/left of this screenshot.
While Bluegrass Army Depot near Richmond, Kentucky also has the underground bunkers, presumably for the storage of munitions, we did not see any military vehicles lined up outside of their location on that particular day.
There is a dangerous leadership vacuum at the highest levels of power inside the G7 nations as financial collapse looms. There will be economic collapse, mass starvation, anarchy and civil war unless the system is totally rebooted.... On the flip side,if the system is rebooted, living standards in the world’s countries can be doubled within a year. The key is to free the nations of the world from Babylonian debt slavery. For those who do not understand this reality, check out this link:
By staging a jubilee, or one-off cancellation of all world debt, public and private, human living standards can be effectively doubled within a year. The key to accomplishing this is to force the surrender of the Zionazi Khazarian (not Khazak) tribal gang that controls this system.
There is a show-down now taking place inside the United States that holds the key to freedom for humanity at large. The appearance of mass murdering Zionazi Satan worshipping (not Jewish) gang boss Benyamin Netanyahu in Washington this week to push for world war 3 is a golden opportunity to end this once and for all. He is a rabid dog who must be quarantined or put down.
As reported in last week’s report, the US military has finally shown the patriotism and bravery needed to take down the Zionazi mafia controlled CIA faction responsible for most of the world’s wars. Last week the Russian and Chinese government news sites both displayed evidence the Zionazi Department of Homeland Security and CIA had been put under pentagon control. To quote from Russia Today:
“US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. General Vincent Stewart (USMC), reported on the intelligence community’s assessment of current and potential threats to American security and interests.”
The point of interest here is that neither CIA head John Brennan nor Homeland Security Chief Jeh Johnson were there representing the “intelligence community.” The testimonials given by Clapper and Stewart were not of the sort of apocalyptic fear mongering that has traditionally been spouted out by Zionazi controlled agencies.
The pentagon can now finish what it started by arresting 911 conspirator and mass murderer Netanyahu and demanding unconditional surrender of the entire Zionazi mafia, including the governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia. The Jewish people will be liberated from millennia of slavery by such a move. The world will also be rid of what is by far and away the biggest cause of terrorism, war and misery on earth.
The rest of the world is already moving decisively against the Zionazi gangsters.
In the Middle East, the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle is working with a US aircraft carrier task force to attack the Israeli ISIS puppet army. ISIS has also been pushed out of Southern Syria and back into Israel. Furthermore, despite Netanyahu’s threats to force Israel to commit national suicide by shooting off its 400 nuclear missiles, the Jews have woken up to the Zionazi slavery system they have been put under and will not do another Masada. Instead, Mossad and other groups have been leaking proof that Netanyahu has been manufacturing evidence of an “Iranian nuclear threat” to try to start World War 3. In other words, the Middle East is about to finally purge itself of the anti-Semitic (in the real sense of the word that includes Arabs) Satan worshipping Hyksos Zionazis.
In Europe, a group led by the Germans is pushing for a “United Europe from the Altantic to the Kamchatka Peninsula [Pacific].” These people are behind the French and German rapprochement with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. These people make it clear they are not talking about a monolithically controlled neo-Soviet structure like the EU but rather “a Europe of nations that harmonize and grow together.”
The British are also making moves of their own against Zionazi control. The UK’s Prince William was feted with great fanfare in both China and Japan in a visit that started last week. William was here to sign accords integrating the City of London based financial system with the Asian gold backed system, according to MI5 sources. In addition, according to a source in the Japanese royal family, “Prince William came to Japan as the heir to the British throne to greet the Emperor and explain why Charles would not become King.” Chinese sources say he was also visiting to ask for money that will be forthcoming. The Chinese even showed their appreciation for British goals of environmental preservation by banning ivory imports.
There will be court case on March 13th to hear a lawsuit filed by the Japan Independence Party showing that Abe was placed in power through electoral fraud. A source in the Japanese military police, for his part, said Abe was scheduled to be brought down within three months in a scandal related to his efforts to set up a casino in Japan. During his recent visit to Japan, gangster Netanyahu made a bribe spiced pitch for Zionazi casino boss and US Republican party puppet master Sheldon Adelson, according to the Japanese military police.
The Japanese police authorities are also finally waking up to the fact that Abe has been looting the Japanese economy to keep his Zionazi masters afloat. The latest reflection of this was data showing that household spending in January fell 5.1% year on year even as the Zionazi owned Nikkei stock average soars higher. Stock markets in Japan, the US and Europe are now nothing more than rigged mechanisms for laundering money, stolen from debt slaves, to Zionazi gangsters.
Given these circumstances, Richard Koshimizu, the head of Japan’s Independence Party, might be the dark horse candidate to replace puppet Prime Minister Abe. The JIP would keep pentagon forces in Japan and work to help free Americans and the rest of the world from Zionazi slavery. There are signs though it will be the Pentagon that will finish the job first. The pictures shown in the link below show what appears to be a major military deployment under way inside the United States.
A US military move against the Zionazis would involve temporarily shutting down the financial system and possibly even the internet. In such an event, major logistics efforts would be needed to ensure the continued supply of food, heat, gasoline and other essentials to the population until the system was rebooted. This would not be a prelude to a fascist government or genocide because the military is staffed by average Americans who know their job is to protect average Americans from all enemies both external and internal. It would simply be a police operation to remove the gangsters who usurped power and return it to the people. This would include ending debt slavery by returning that most fundamental right, that to create and distribute currency, and thus decide the future, to a government of the people and by the people.
Meanwhile, if the rest of the world, especially the world’s leading creditor nations, agree to sponsor a new meritocratically staffed future planning agency, the US military operating around the world would continue to be financed and be immediately redeployed on a new mission. This would be to protect all living creatures on the planet earth and explore the universe. The key to remember is that right now the old leadership and economic structure in the West is headed for a mathematically certain collapse. We must either act now, before it is too late, or watch in horror as Western civilization collapses.