We say to the fields of plenty "We go to you where the spirit crops are laid. Come to us, field of plenty, so we may harvest our spirit crops." The humor of the past, the opposition of the past, shall not be the trickster of the future. The nurturing of Earth Mother and the healing of her waters, and we may once again pick up the drum beat of Earth Mother and be in synch with her heartbeats.
As our internal timing grows we will understand the true prophecy of the cradle board of life. The prosperous board of life is when all man stands up of all colors and all races and all breeds and say, "We are all a globa l society, a global culture. We are individuals that are part of the whole, part of the whole that understands the concept of love because we have are this new world, this future world, that we all want peace and not war." The fertility of peace is here. You should play that flute. Get to that rhythm. Get to that timing. Be a part of that musician of change. Can you be a musician of change? Can you step to the future where ignorance and intolerance does not exist? Can you anchor it into the presence so we all may have a sacred space of respect?
What is respect? R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Something we all desire, from the earliest of childhood, where we all can allow our way to grow within our self and no one else can demean us, or debase us, or make fun of us. Your ability to speak ends when you touch somebody else's nose. That is the new way of tolerance. You have all the right to speak freely in your home, but when you step on another person's property and you are there, you have their sacred space to respect. You can still have your words, but you need not have the anger and violence behind those words. You simply say "This is my point of view and all points of view must have an opportunity to expand and explore, because that is the intent of this world." So longer ignorance and intolerance are the dominant force of this world, but love is the force of this world, love of our Earth, our planet, and all species that have come before.