New Live Show Number: 641-715-3636 pin 883267#

New Live Show Number: 641-715-3836 pin 883267#

↑Monday's thru Thur's,Join Us Live

Diamonds Show Monday - Thurs 8:30 pm EST, Surprise! segment, Cynthia with Astrology, Candy shop news, Special Guests, Building Relations with OUR Star Families with Chris, Learning "Who YOU Really are"

Recorded Line Via Phone 641-715-3813 pin 883267# Press # for the most recent call, or enter a previous reference # (Call by Skype phone via Skype credits or Skype phone using same number & pin above.)

Friday, December 19, 2014

JUST RECORDED!! Sat Dec 20 2014: Diamonds Forever 31 Guest's Viviane Chauvet Arcturian Hybrid & Vibrational healer, Eve Jacques star seed Sirian & healer. 2pm ET, clik for link to recorded show

  HERE IS THE RECORDED DIAMONDS SHOW LINK of December 20 2014:  and or Youtube show here.

Viviane Chauvet

Viviane Chauvet 


Viviane is a Crystalline Vibrational Healer, an USUI Reiki Master, a gifted Intuitive, a Spiritual Mentor & Teacher, and a Channel for her star family.  As an Arcturian Hybrid, which is a genetic blending of an Arcturian Star Being Father and a Human Mother, Viviane is also a carrier of the 5th Dimensional frequency of the Arcturians. She is an accelerator and a generator of Light & Energy.  Viviane is a channel for Higher Frequencies. It is her mission (tasks) to:

·  Anchor the Higher Frequency of pure Light & Love of the 5th Dimensional Realm into the Energy Field, The Grid System of the Earth;
·  Implement a Collective Consciousness
·  Activate people to their Fullest Potential and Highest Light;
·  Awaken Soul Star Seeds;
·  Plant Seeds of Activation in preparation for Ascension;
·  To be a Facilitator who offers a vibrational experience that brings people into an altered state of Consciousness & Light body Consciousness;
·  Establish a bridge of communication between Humanity, Star Beings, and the Angelic Host through my Energy Field\Aura;
·  Attune people to the frequencies of the Arcturians and Star Masters;
·  Open up a channel of multidimensional communication;
Connect people to their multidimensional aspect of their Divine Selves.

To schedule a private session, contact Viviane at

Metaphysical Classes by Viviane: 5th Dimensional High Frequency Meditation

Interviews, Tarot Reading, and DNA Video:
Radio Show "Diamonds Forever 31" Podcast:
Radio Show "The Chosen - Alien Hybrid Agenda" Podcast":

Diamonds Forever Call. Go Beyond Awakening?
Sat calls 2:00 pm ET

(209)255-1000 (or) +1-424-203-8405 Pin 883267#

click here; Diamonds Replays 
(209)255-1099 Pin 883267#




extended Diamonds call is every , Saturday at 1 p.m. Central.

The call in number is 
209-255-1000, pin 883267#

The replay number is 
209-255-1099, same

pin number. Enter the reference number or press # for the most
 recent call.

2092551000 pin 883267#: need skype to landline credits.

Eve Jacques

Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks so much for inviting me on your show! Here's my bio and photo. My website is going to be down for the next few days, so I don't know if you want to put the link in now or wait till I let you know it's back up.
I'm really excited - I've been wanting to take part in one of your round tables for ages!
Eve Jacques is an angelic starseed with a special connection to the Sirian dog nation. She is an intuitive healer and Kundalini Reiki master, and the creator of Monster Whispering therapy. She also makes energy-infused crystal jewellery and meditation beads.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Exterterstrials, Disclosure Petition VI - Congressional Hearings - Jan 7: Please sign Petition Now!! , attend the Diamonds round table Jan 10 2015

PLEASE!!! take a moment, to sign the petition below. & Pass this on to EVERYONE you know. Thanks alot!! elizabeth Diamond

Also Note, Diamonds Forever 31 with Nature of Reality: Round Table with Steven Basset, Tom Clearwater, Peter Slattery; on Jan 10 2015. it is going to be Good!!
to attend this Show, Dial 209 255 1000  Pin 883267# on your phone or skype phone, (need skype to landline credits) or go to Adrew's link here:

You are receiving this update because you have expressed an interest in the Disclosure advocacy projects of Paradigm Research Group . Don't forget to add to your address book so PRG Updates will be sure to land in your inbox. Thanks.

December 18, 2014
Past PRG Updates and Press Releases are archived here.

Disclosure Petition VI - Congressional Hearings - Jan 7

The following petition will be posted on the White House Website on January 7, 2015.

WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO:  support congressional hearings for government/agency/political witnesses to extraterrestrial related events and evidence    

The petition requires 100,000 signatures between January 7 and February 6 to receive a formal response and remain on the White House website indefinitely. If not, it will be removed after the 30 days. The petition is being announced three weeks in advance so people can register with "We the People" and be able to sign quickly after January 7. 
Spread the word and share the link to the petition info at: 

Congressional Hearing Initiative

Social Media Campaign Update
The social media campaign to ensure the DVDs are reviewed by congressional staff is moving forward rapidly. The number of tweets and Facebook messages with hashtag #disclosure since Oct. 31 is over 600,000. The campaign is being run from three web site locations: www.faxonwashington.orgwww.disclosure.mediaThe Disclosure Lobby (Facebook).

Due to an almost unprecedented amount of political/media activity for a post mid-term election - usually a fairly quiet period - the CHI has pushed back its schedule a few weeks into 2015. When the new Congress convenes on January 3, the social media campaign will shift focus to concentrate on the approximately 180 members of the House and Senate who sit on at least one of the seven targeted congressional committees. The mainstream media campaign will also begin at that time.

Coast to Coast AM Interview - December 22

PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will do a two hour interview with George Noory on the December 22 Coast to Coast AM program. He will provide an update on the Congressional Hearing Initiative status and plans for 114th Congress in January. 

CHI Press Releases, Media Coverage and Interviews

The media coverage and interview schedule around the Congressional Hearing Initiative will be listed in upcoming PRG Updates and on the PRG website at:
Interviews                  Media Coverage                     Press Releases

Press Releases

Media Coverage
               (expanded article), Jennifer Harper, Washington Times
11/24/14 - Inside the Beltway: Aliens from Elsewhere, Page 2, Washington Times (print)
11/23/14 - Inside the Beltway: Aliens from Elsewhere, Jennifer Harper, Washington Times

01/10/15 - Roundtable Discussion w/ Andrew Fisher & Elizabeth Mulligan, 11am-2pm PT
12/29/14 - Morning Show w/ James Clary, KSFG 104.1, 7-9 am PT
12/22/14 - Coast to Coast AM w/ George Noory, 10 pm - 2 am PT (last two hours)
12/21/14 - Jim Paris Live w/ Jim Paris, Blog talk Radio, 7 pm PT

12/17/14 - Nature of Reality w/ Andrew Fisher, Blog Talk Radio, 5-7 pm PT
12/12/14 - TMV Cafe w/ Ed Bradfute, 7 pm PT
11/26/14 - altPOV TV w/ Jack Roth
11/25/14 - HPANWO Show w/ Ben Emlyn-Jones, Block Talk Radio, noon PT
11/23/14 - The Conspiracy Show w/ Richard Syrett, Zoomer Radio, 8 pm PT
11/20/14 - Late Night in the Midlands w/ Michael Vara, LMN Network, 6:30 pm PT
11/18/14 - ROAM w/ John Ilias, Dark Matter Radio, 6-7 pm PT
11/16/14 - Common Ground w/ Kimberley Jaeger, WZLX, Boston, 6-7 am ET
11/15/14 - Sacred Matrix w/ Janet Lessin, Aquarian Radio, 6 pm MT
11/14-16/14 - Back to the Future Conference, Acquarius Hotel, Laughlin, NV
11/10/14 - The Lantern w/ David Weis, Talk Center America, 7 pm PT (postponed)
11/08/14 - First Contact Radio w/ Josh Poet, KCAA AM1050, pending
11/07/14 - Myth and Reality w/ Alan Plamer, KNXT, Las Vegas, 9-10 pm PT
11/07/14 - Universal Spiritual Connection w/ Lailani Graham, USC Radio/TV, 6-7 pm PT
11/07/14 - Short End of the Stick /w Mike Harris, Revolution Radio, 11 am PT
11/06/14 - Fade to Black w/ Jimmy Church, Dark Matter Radio, 8 pm PT
11/06/14 - Capital City Recap w/ Mike Cohen, WILS AM1320, 3:50 PM PT
11/05/14 - Mike Siegel Show w/ Mike Siegel, National, 9-10 pm, PT 

Other Developments

The Senate Intelligence Report
The just released Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Study on the Central Intelligence Agency's Dentention and Interrogation Program is another example of the
mounting pressure on U.S. national security policies. Expect more.

Does the surprise announcement the U.S. is moving to end the 54-year embargo of Cuba reflect a lame duck president prepared to take radical actions during his final months in office?  What other embargoes might be under review?

Mars Life
NASA continues its slow-drip information release regarding past or current life on Mars. PRG would suggest NASA has known quite a bit about the subject for decades, but was not in a rush to burden the public with the information. A confirmation announcement would put pressure on the truth embargo, so no hurry.

More Mars
The ongoing Easter egg hunt regarding Curiosity Rover photos as well as all past NASA/JPL photos from Mars and the Moon continues to produce awkward examples of possible artifacts as well as blurred out and pixelated sections in photos. It is hard not to feel sorry NASA. Barring some form of mutiny, it will remain an institutional victim of the truth embargo. 


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

****Breaking**** Energy Update!!! Ascension 2015 - Matt Kahn Ture Divine Nature


JUST RECORDED!! DIAMONDS SHOW DECEMBER 13, 2014 TORY & NICKI as Guest's; Mini DNA readings, Activation, Healings: click to see Bio's and attnendance directions.

Diamonds Forever Call. Go Beyond Awakening?

Sat calls 2:00 pm ET

(209)255-1000 (or) +1-424-203-8405 Pin 883267#

click here; Diamonds Replays 
(209)255-1099 Pin 883267#




extended Diamonds call is every , Saturday at 1 p.m. Central.

The call in number is 
209-255-1000, pin 883267#

The replay number is 
209-255-1099, same

pin number. Enter the reference number or press # for the most

 recent call.

2092551000 pin 883267#: need skype to landline credits.

Radio Show, on December 17 2014; with Dr Alfred Lambremont Webre & Ray K 32 ET Contactee.

Ray is an orchestra leader of sorts, to help bring in an important part of our new paradigm. What that intails is contact. Visitations from star people will NOT happen as a mass landing. Our psychy could not handle such a shock however,... more

26 Pictures Will Make You Re-Evaluate Your Entire Existence

Also, Live!! on every Show relationshiping with Our Alien Friends. Come join us!!! New!! day Mondays at 9:30pm Est 

1. This is the Earth! This is where you live.

This is the Earth! This is where you live.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Image / Via

2. And this is where you live in your neighborhood, the solar system.

And this is where you live in your neighborhood, the solar system.

3. Here’s the distance, to scale, between the Earth and the moon. Doesn’t look too far, does it?

Here's the distance, to scale, between the Earth and the moon. Doesn't look too far, does it?

4. THINK AGAIN. Inside that distance you can fit every planet in our solar system, nice and neatly.

THINK AGAIN. Inside that distance you can fit every planet in our solar system, nice and neatly.
PerplexingPotato / Via

5. But let’s talk about planets. That little green smudge is North America on Jupiter.

But let's talk about planets. That little green smudge is North America on Jupiter.
NASA / John Brady / Via

6. And here’s the size of Earth (well, six Earths) compared with Saturn:

And here's the size of Earth (well, six Earths) compared with Saturn:
NASA / John Brady / Via

7. And just for good measure, here’s what Saturn’s rings would look like if they were around Earth:

And just for good measure, here's what Saturn's rings would look like if they were around Earth:
Ron Miller / Via

8. This right here is a comet. We just landed a probe on one of those bad boys. Here’s what one looks like compared with Los Angeles:

This right here is a comet. We just landed a probe on one of those bad boys. Here's what one looks like compared with Los Angeles:
Matt Wang / Via

9. But that’s nothing compared to our sun. Just remember:

But that's nothing compared to our sun. Just remember:

10. Here’s you from the moon:

Here's you from the moon:

11. Here’s you from Mars:

Here's you from Mars:

12. Here’s you from just behind Saturn’s rings:

Here's you from just behind Saturn's rings:

13. And here’s you from just beyond Neptune, 4 billion miles away.

And here's you from just beyond Neptune, 4 billion miles away.
To paraphrase Carl Sagan, everyone and everything you have ever known exists on that little speck.


14. Let’s step back a bit. Here’s the size of Earth compared with the size of our sun. Terrifying, right?

Let's step back a bit. Here's the size of Earth compared with the size of our sun. Terrifying, right?
John Brady / Via
The sun doesn’t even fit in the image.

15. And here’s that same sun from the surface of Mars:

And here's that same sun from the surface of Mars:

16. But that’s nothing. Again, as Carl once mused, there are more stars in space than there are grains of sand on every beach on Earth:

But that's nothing. Again, as Carl once mused, there are more stars in space than there are grains of sand on every beach on Earth:

17. Which means that there are ones much, much bigger than little wimpy sun. Just look at how tiny and insignificant our sun is:

Which means that there are ones much, much bigger than little wimpy sun. Just look at how tiny and insignificant our sun is:
Our sun probably gets its lunch money stolen.

18. Here’s another look. The biggest star, VY Canis Majoris, is 1,000,000,000 times bigger than our sun:

26 Pictures Will Make You Re-Evaluate Your Entire Existence

19. But none of those compares to the size of a galaxy. In fact, if you shrank the sun down to the size of a white blood cell and shrunk the Milky Way galaxy down using the same scale, the Milky Way would be the size of the United States:

But none of those compares to the size of a galaxy. In fact, if you shrank the sun down to the size of a white blood cell and shrunk the Milky Way galaxy down using the same scale, the Milky Way would be the size of the United States:

20. That’s because the Milky Way galaxy is huge. This is where you live inside there:

That's because the Milky Way galaxy is huge. This is where you live inside there:

21. But this is all you ever see:

But this is all you ever see:
(That’s not a picture of the Milky Way, but you get the idea.)

22. But even our galaxy is a little runt compared with some others. Here’s the Milky Way compared to IC 1011, 350 million light years away from Earth:

But even our galaxy is a little runt compared with some others. Here's the Milky Way compared to IC 1011, 350 million light years away from Earth:
Just THINK about all that could be inside there.

23. But let’s think bigger. In JUST this picture taken by the Hubble telescope, there are thousands and thousands of galaxies, each containing millions of stars, each with their own planets.

But let's think bigger. In JUST this picture taken by the Hubble telescope, there are thousands and thousands of galaxies, each containing millions of stars, each with their own planets.

24. Here’s one of the galaxies pictured, UDF 423. This galaxy is 10 BILLION light years away. When you look at this picture, you are looking billions of years into the past.

Here's one of the galaxies pictured, UDF 423. This galaxy is 10 BILLION light years away. When you look at this picture, you are looking billions of years into the past.
Some of the other galaxies are thought to have formed only a few hundred million years AFTER the Big Bang.

25. And just keep this in mind — that’s a picture of a very small, small part of the universe. It’s just an insignificant fraction of the night sky.

And just keep this in mind — that's a picture of a very small, small part of the universe. It's just an insignificant fraction of the night sky.

26. And, you know, it’s pretty safe to assume that there are some black holes out there. Here’s the size of a black hole compared with Earth’s orbit, just to terrify you:

And, you know, it's pretty safe to assume that there are some black holes out there. Here's the size of a black hole compared with Earth's orbit, just to terrify you:
D. Benningfield/K. Gebhardt/StarDate / Via

So if you’re ever feeling upset about your favorite show being canceled or the fact that they play Christmas music way too early — just remember…

This is your home.

This is your home.
By Andrew Z. Colvin (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

This is what happens when you zoom out from your home to your solar system.

This is what happens when you zoom out from your home to your solar system.

And this is what happens when you zoom out farther…

And this is what happens when you zoom out farther...
By Andrew Z. Colvin (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

And farther…

And farther...
By Andrew Z. Colvin (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

Keep going…

Keep going...
By Andrew Z. Colvin (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

Just a little bit farther…

Just a little bit farther...
By Andrew Z. Colvin (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

Almost there…

Almost there...
By Andrew Z. Colvin (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

And here it is. Here’s everything in the observable universe, and here’s your place in it. Just a tiny little ant in a giant jar.

And here it is. Here's everything in the observable universe, and here's your place in it. Just a tiny little ant in a giant jar.
By Andrew Z. Colvin (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons
Oh man.