Diamonds Show Monday - Thurs 8:30 pm EST, Surprise! segment, Cynthia with Astrology, Candy shop news, Special Guests, Building Relations with OUR Star Families with Chris, Learning "Who YOU Really are"
Recorded Line Via Phone 641-715-3813 pin 883267# Press # for the most recent call, or enter a previous reference # (Call by Skype phone via Skype credits or Skype phone using same number & pin above.) Shows are Awesome!! you are missing alot in learning the Golden Age to come knowledge, healing tools, updates from Galactics. dial in LIVE!! Mon thru thurs Mon is Main show. 830pm EST 641 715 3836 pin 883267# and recorded line all shows on most recent on recorded line is Reference 524# dial now to listen 641 715 3813 pin 883267# Ref 524#
It is time to get out the pitchforks and guns folks and storm the palaces of the Khazarian mafia’s top gangsters. This has been confirmed in a letter many sources confirm that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford sent to every member of the US military. In the letter Dunford says: “Every service member swears ‘to support and defend the Constitution of the United States’ and to ‘bear true faith and allegiance to the same.’”
This is a direct order from your top general to defend the constitution. What does the constitution say? It says “The Congress shall have Power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin,” and to “provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States.” In other words you are obliged by your Constitutional Oath to go after the Federal Reserve Board and the crime families that own it and have been forging so-called US dollars ever since 1913. Furthermore, you must confiscate the vast amounts of property belonging to US citizens that these crime families have stolen.
In his letter Dunford also mentions “our deliberate and disciplined commitment to upholding the principle of civilian control of the military.” Since elections are being stolen and have been since at least the year 2000 that means civilians are no longer in charge so General Dunford is ordering you to go to Washington DC and force the return to civilian control of the government. That means restoring genuine democracy and freedom of the press so that an informed population can choose their own government. This government the military would then serve.
The people, government and armed forces of Canada stand by to help their American brothers and sisters in any way possible to free them from Khazarian gangster control.
West Coast high-tech oligarchs like Bill Gates, the owners of Apple Computer and Larry Ellison of Oracle Computer, people who got rich by actually creating things that make our lives better and not through fraud, have told the White Dragon Society they will support the move to take down the Khazarian mafia.
Hillary Clinton has already sent $1.8 billion to Qatar and plans to flee there soon, CIA sources say. However, neither she nor and other members of her crime family will be allowed to escape, the sources say.
This is what Pentagon sources have to say about the situation: “The Hillary silent coup has been defeated by a military counter-coup with [Republican Presidential Candidate Donald] Trump the broom and Wikileaks the instrument, backed by overwhelming lethal force and NSA spying.”
NSA sources confirm that Hillary Clinton is guilty of mass murder (Haiti, Fukushima, Libya, Syria etc.) and that she and her fellow gangsters must be stopped.
Speaking about the NSA, last week they requested me to leave my cell phone and credit cards behind and go meet with gnostic Illuminati representative “Alexander Romanov” at a secure spot so that I could get secret information. The NSA knows that nothing digital is safe and that is why the important stuff is transmitted in one on one personal meetings. The message the NSA had was that Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama all
This IS a very important show, must listen!!!!! Galactics Update Us on Disclosure and very much more importance, to lead you through all these changes. Join us LIVE on Every MON 830pm EST Dial Via phone or skype (with land line to skype credits) 641 715 3836 Pin 883267# recorded line all shows are on dial any time 641 715 3818 pin 883267# reference #s from 1# to 524#
Blessings to you All!! Diamond Girl Elizabeh Diamond
A new paper suggests that a flawed diamond could be used to store significantly more data than a DVD.
NYTIMES.COM|BY JOANNA KLEIN Shows are Awesome!! you are missing alot in learning the Golden Age to come knowledge, healing tools, updates from Galactics. dial in LIVE!! Mon thru thurs Mon is Main show. 830pm EST 641 715 3836 pin 883267# and recorded line all shows on most recent on recorded line is Reference 524# dial now to listen 641 715 3813 pin 883267# Ref 524#