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Recorded Line Via Phone 641-715-3813 pin 883267# Press # for the most recent call, or enter a previous reference # (Call by Skype phone via Skype credits or Skype phone using same number & pin above.)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


"We The People, are the Masters...we are the co-operatives to un-coperative with the corporate brainwashing matrix we now live in!!! Stand up people!! Awaken out of your slumber!! Take a Stand, Now!! Lets, in a unified, peacefull, courageous, fearless stance. STAND UP TOGETHER AND TAKE OUR SOVERIEGNTY BACK!!!  Please. It IS Time. NOW.

Be sure to click on (50th anniversary of March on Washington) to listen to OUR President speak. He encourages us to take a stand also....listen to all....but specifically the 3min at end of his speech.

  • 50th Anniversary of March on Washington

    Pres. Obama, civil rights leaders and contemporary movement leaders speak on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for the "Let Freedom Ring" ceremony to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, held on August 28, 1963.

    C-SPAN's coverage of the ceremony also features remarks from former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, the King Family, Oprah Winfrey, Ambassador Andrew Young, the daughter of President Lyndon Baines Johnson as well as leaders from national and international organizations.

    President Obama speaks in the same spot where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech 50 years ago

                                                              Diamonds 30min world news update every thursdays 7pm central and exstended Diamond call every other saturday, next August 30 at 1pm central    209-255-1000                  pin 883267#    recorded line 209-255-1099 pin 883267#  (shows 1 thru 68)  Enjoy!! if you dare.




President Obama speaks on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington - Full speech 8/28/2013

Published on Aug 28, 2013
US President Obama speech address mark 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr "I have a dream" speech in Washington President Obama takes the podium at MLK celebration President Obama is now speaking at #MOW50.President Obama: full speech Martin Luther King i have a dream "Five decades ago today, Americans came—to this honored place—to lay claim to a promise made at our founding." "Five decades ago today, Americans came to this honored place to lay claim to a promise made at our founding" - President Obama Obama "Everyone realizes what those glorious patriots knew on that day-changes do not come from Washington but to Washington" full video speech address

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