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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Know YOU are A DIAMOND!!! coming out of the rough!! Blessings of Love, Peace, and Joy turning to Bliss!! elizabeth Diamond

Know Thyself..Ye Are Gods by kate of gaia
All too often I find myself saying the same things over 
and over again. It's a very simple concept, but I 
always find myself sharing analogy after analogy to try 
and get this idea home and, for the most part, to no or 
little avail. So deep is the program and so solid the 
fear. The instant you come close to inhibiting their 
comfort zone, no sooner does the Cain ego program jump 
in and bares its fangs. It's a very simple discernment 
to see the ego, the carnal Cain left mind. It's the one 
that knows nothing of the neutral zone of motion called 
love. Emotions are the perfect trap every time and live 
fully up to the negative aspects since e-motion means 
stopped, no motion.
Until this paradigm of confusion ceases, they will 
never know who and what they are. When will you begin 
to see that where there is emotion, there is no love? 
To see Cain, all you have to do is think about the 
times you said something that you later regretted 
because that truly wasn't how you felt. It was merely a 
reaction to the emotionally charged environment you 
were in where Cain thrives and feeds. Only in 
retrospect was I able to see this nether side of me 
where I can stay more clearly in the now moment and 
fully real eyes when I am dealing with someone's Cain 
reptilian brain stem program. Cain needs to be right, 
needs to defend and needs to judge. How else can it 
pump up its chest in glorified pride and arrogance? 
Cain is all about meatstick aka body survival. 
There is nothing spiritual about Cain and there is 
nothing physical about Abel. For clarity, the Cain I'm 
referring to is the left hemisphere, carnal, analytical 
programmed lower mind fed directly from the reptilian, fight, flee or freeze brain stem. It is both the 
operating system for this physical reality and it is 
also the virus that allows for survival and 
destruction. To grasp the power you, the divine god 
within, has over this physical, just ask someone who 
completely over-rode the program and committed suicide. 
That is merely the analogy of comparison as to how 
powerless Cain really is to stop you if your intent is 
strong enough. 
If your intent is love, same rules apply. It's as 
simple as holding your breath to see how you are 
superior to the program of the meatstick. A favourite 
analogy that I like to use is comparing the body to a 
car in the driveway, parked. There's nobody in the 
drivers' seat so what's it doing? It's parked and 
lifeless until someone gets in, turns the key and puts 
it in gear. The same concept applies to your body you 
are driving. If you're not in there driving it, you'll 
find the body in a morgue or funeral home, permanently 
parked. You are the photonic life source, the sun of 
god within. Physics has finally located that particle 
and it is like a tiny sun burning at between 3000 and 
6000 degrees Fahrenheit. Science has also shown a 
physical drop in body weight the instant YOU leave it. 
YOU weigh 21 to 23 grams and coincidentally, phi and 
psi are the 21st and 23rd letters of the Greek 
You are NOT flesh and blood, the body is. The body is 
not alive, YOU are. Without you, the body is just like 
every other collection of physical matter from the 
periodic table. You, my friend, are an entirely 
different "matter". You are anti-matter retaining an 
aspect of measureable mass only while occupying the 
body. If you seek proof of not being the body, my challenge is for you to take it with you when you 
decide to leave this earthly plain. Just as the old 
saying of "you can't take it with you" bears this truth 
out as well in that the same compounds that made this 
computer I am writing at, are the same compounds used 
to build these meatsticks, carbon heat engines. The 
only differing aspect is the 250 genomes in the human 
body that exist only there and nowhere else on this 
planet. You'll find those genomes are the building 
blocks for the reptilian brain stem. Yup, someone has 
messed with the program at source DNA code. I imagine 
you won't think too long on that to figure out why.
By now, hopefully, you are starting to get a conscious 
'out of body' experience when it suddenly dawns on you 
this complete separation. Alas, it’s a difficult 
concept to take to heart if truly a simple one, once 
you can take a step back and shut Cain up long enough 
to look. The biggest tool that Cain uses is one of fear 
and it’s mostly fear of ourselves and our own 
abilities. We all have our fears and dreams...tis the 
way of the universe working through the 
is to what extent that we let one of them override the 
other, in how far we allow the pendulums to swing and 
for how long we let them remain in the wide sweeps that 
keep us on our own roller coasters in life.
I was born with the biggest fear in my life...the fear 
of being me...just was this, however, that 
allowed me to baby step my way from the small fears up 
to the biggest ones. Some people fear roller coasters 
and I only suggest they go for a ride on a roller 
coaster built for children until they lose the fear by 
getting bored of the ride...then move to a slightly 
larger one...etc. I chose to deliberately do things 
that scared me to overcome them even though they scared the life out of me...this is why I became a scuba diver 
and a confront the world at different 
Playing on stage terrified me yet I did that for over 3 
decades. You’ll find, that as you confront the little 
fears first, overcome them, you'll see the once bigger 
fears as the same size as the early little ones...the 
only thing that changed is the only thing that can 
change...perspective, where the intent to overcome fear 
remained constant. When we fail to see who and what we 
really are, we find that another has shown us what our 
abundance is and usually at an hourly rate THEY want 
you at versus the priceless creator you are. This is 
also a symptom of those that do not know who they are. 
This is the full effect in action of the programmed 
Cain mind, the one that keeps you in a constant state 
of body survival where the only cost is your 
spirituality and god status. I’d say that tradeoff is a 
bit more expensive than I and others are willing to 
entertain any longer.
Until one can see the separation of them and the body, 
they will be forever trapped in this circular paradigm 
of fears and someone else’s beliefs. The largest 
control factor is the one where people defend an idea 
that was never theirs and was merely taught to them via 
family, tradition, religion schools etc. Very few will 
have ever had an original thought in their life, at 
least not since they were small children creating 
worlds of their own imagination, not someone else’s. I 
taught my own children the importance of being able to 
stand alone, in their own ideals and in their own 
choices. The fact that I haven’t seen them since 
February is a testament to their strength and 
conviction to stand in their own universe where I am not needed. The lesson sunk in well where I know, 
although separated from them and most of the people I 
love, I did my job. This is when the notion of good AND 
evil being equal, really sinks in and all judgments are 
rendered neutral.
I have had many discussions with people regarding the 
carrying of ID when they’re adamant in their claims 
that they know who they are. I beg to differ. The same 
old same old paradigm of debate appears in the 
statement of “I’m a flesh and blood living man/wombman” 
etc. A dead body is still flesh and blood after one 
exits it but it is certainly not “living” in the common 
understanding of the word and is in the state of decay, 
returning to whence it came from; the physical matter 
of this realm called earth. Just because you’re walking 
around in one of these meatsticks doesn’t change the 
physics, just the perspective. The body you claim as 
yours is only borrowed, never owned by you. To claim 
ownership of a body is in direct violation of all 
natural laws. Where the true free will choice resides 
is in YOU, the photonic sun of god that gives it life 
and direction via your intention. This is the free will 
that cannot be violated. This is why the universe is 
all about contract and it’s my contention as to what 
has trapped us for so long. In short, we take the 
bodies more seriously than ourselves. Imagine, that 
after an “accident”, the police start writing up 
charges against the car and not the driver? That to me, 
makes more sense and is the true separation of your 
“church/spirit/court” and state/solid matter/inanimate.
This is the illusion we have been caught in and will 
remain in until we real eyes that we are the drivers, 
not the cars. This is why it is critical for them to 
get you to surrender your consent via believing you are a meatstick, not a god of pure intention and creation. 
And you wonder why the elites are so wealthy? They’re 
feeding off your god aspects of creation to get there 
and until you wake up to this, you will be consumed by 
your own delusions and their greed. It’s only when you 
awaken to this can you wield any form of illusional ID 
of your own making because it is your intent and 
knowing yourself as the god you are and is only for the 
benefit of the sleepy ones who still think it 
“matters”. Ye are gods. While there are those who may 
look at what has happened to me and scoff at my 
apparent foolishness I will, in kind, challenge that 
notion with asking them if they think this world is 
sane and normal with all its wars and strife? 
What has happened to me was the bare bones, stripping 
down and raping of my proverbial camel that has allowed 
me to slip through the eye of the needle and enter the 
Emerald City for the first time in who knows how long. 
This is the heaven on earth and it is in this 
knowledge, not belief or opinion, that I can have peace 
and finally see the ludicrous trap I and everyone else 
were in. Stay here in this reality if you wish, hold 
fast to your beliefs, religions and dogmatic excuses 
for conflict, I’m done with it. It took me a long time 
to get here; all those moments of now have finally 
coalesced into the singular now where this place 
actually makes sense. As in all perspectives, there are 
other aspects of myself that have had far more to go 
through and experience but then it is also my 
contention that, I too, was there once and have only 
moved to a level where it has become the wisdom earned 
and learned equally. Much in the same way a man will 
complain about not having shoes until he sees another 
man with no feet. I do not linger in those realms for long, the realms of 
self pity etc. I do allow myself to experience the 
emotion but no longer allow it to control my every 
moment of now, just long enough to get the lessen. This 
week saw the final harvest in that my purest love and 
mate has moved on in another direction without me and 
that is ok. All I can sense now is gratitude for having 
shared what I did and it also showed me that I cannot 
be “owned” by another again. We have choices of sharing 
adventures with others, not owning them or being owned 
by them. 
I would suppose the only measure of sadness is that 
there were so many other things I would have liked to 
have shared with my soul resonance in that form but 
then I don’t write the script of the divine plan; I 
simply follow it and garner the “lessens” to be had. 
That only adds to the previous experience, never 
detracts from it and why all I feel is gratitude in 
that regard. Happiness can only be granted to be shared 
and the natural law of balance is maintained. One of my 
main driving forces is simply that; to grant that which 
people wish for. Unfortunately, in this paradigm, it is 
always taken to mean something else. Can you dare to 
share more than you get? There is also much to say 
about the electro-magnetics of this universe as we 
experience and create those very fields around us. One 
of my own biggest issues was being able to turn off the 
power in my own magnet especially when it had become 
misaligned with those around me, be it those I was in a 
“relationship” with or otherwise. I would just ask 
others to measure themselves from that perspective as 
Once you begin to see the effects you create, you will become better at seeing your own power within. I am, 
and always have been a free spirit. I seek the 
betterment of all and, in the mirror, the betterment of 
myself as the result. This is knowing your god 
potential beyond the meatstick you were indoctrinated 
to be and perform as good little salves to someone 
else’s commands. Again, the most difficult thing for me 
is knowing how beautiful YOU are and seeing it far 
beyond the veil of the Cain most think they are. Cain 
is someone else’s canvas, someone else’s idea of 
reality. If you are enjoying this reality with all its 
wars, destructions, fear, hate and anger then carry on 
as you were. This is the id-entity’s realm, not one of 
your god stature.
If that id-entity is what you choose then please keep 
doing all the same things that reinforce the illusion 
as you want it to be and truly, it is what you want 
because nothing changes on the without world until you 
change the within one first. You, like me, are the 
universe of singularity gone exponential into our 
different perspectives with me just being one of yours 
as you are one of mine. I truly know you are beautiful 
because through it all, all my trials and tribulations 
I got to see that I was beautiful too finally. This is 
why I can see you, the real you, the purest divine 
nature that you are….know thyself, ye truly are 
gods…..much love, kate

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