BENJAMIN FULFORD April 21, 2014: Cabal split, unable to act despite deadline
It is now clear that the cabal that has ruled the West is in disarray and is unable to act despite a very real surrender deadline given to them. The European power brokers like the Pope and the Queen support world peace and a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. However, Rockefeller, Bush and the other American oligarchs are acting like deer frozen in the headlights, unable or unwilling to take action. The same can be said of the heads of the Pentagon and the agencies.
Let there be no doubt about it, the United States of America has degenerated into a rogue nation ruled by Satan worshipping gangsters and is the black hole from which most of the world’s misery emerges.
Removing the public face of the US oligarchy, Barack Hussein Obama, raises the question of “what do you replace him with?” If the heads of the military industrial complex do not act with a unified plan, the answer is likely to be chaos, turmoil and possibly even civil war in the US.
The best hope now lies with the State governments who now have the required two-thirds support to demand a conference to rewrite the constitution of the United States of America.
That conference could be used as the means to set up an interim government with the power to clean out the filth that festers in Washington D.C.
Also, talks with various factions within the US military industrial complex reveal a surprising amount of agreement on key issues. The problem seems to be one of egos and rival institutions vying for power rather than disagreement over what needs to be done.
Here are some of the main points everybody agrees on:
1) There should be a jubilee; a once off write-off of all debts public and private. That is a no-brainer that would immediately end the ongoing US depression.
2) There needs to be a redistribution of assets. Most of the fortune 500 companies are controlled by the seven families that founded the Federal Reserve Board. The concentrated ownership is hidden by foundations and obscure accounting. These families mostly did not create the companies they own, rather they acquired them through murder and theft. These assets need to be either redistributed or put into a public fund and managed on behalf of the American people.
3) The Congress, the Senate, the Supreme Court and the White House in Washington D.C. are nothing more than a heavily bribed acting troop and need to be replaced. The umbilical cord of linking money and politics needs to be severed.
4) Once Washington is cleaned up, the government needs to start issuing money instead of the privately ownedFederal Reserve Board.
5) The media monopolies need to be broken up and the American people need to be told their true history.
This is the broad consensus that can be found inside the United States, especially inside the military and the agencies as well as within most state governments. The United States is ready to once again become and independent nation.
Seen from outside of the United States, however, a very different picture emerges. First of all, while Europeans and Americans constitute about one fifth the world’s population, they control four out of the five vetoes at the United Nations Security Council. This means the UN is still a European instrument of colonial control. That has to change.
The other thing that has to change is the global financial architecture. If the Republic of the United States of America is restored and issues its own currency, then a new institution needs to be set up to manage the internationally held and traded US dollars.
The World Bank and the IMF are not up to the job and there is no sign whatsoever that the Europeans and Americans will give up their control of these institutions. Even the reformed voting structure planned for the IMF (and blocked by the US as mentioned last week) would leave Europeans in charge.
For that reason there are negotiations going on to set up an entirely new institution that would make the IMF and World Bank largely irrelevant. This is not going to happen overnight because new systems and computer networks need to be set up independent of the US dominated and thoroughly hacked SWIFT international payments system. Here the Europeans, Russians, the Middle Eastern oil exporters and the Chinese are in broad agreement. It will take a couple of years to build up, however, so do not expect a sudden change on this front. Nonetheless, the first big step, for Europe to pay for Russian gas in Euros instead of US dollars, is already in the works.
That will leave the US corporate government headed by Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) extremely isolated.
Perhaps that is why Obama is vising US Asian colonies of Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Malaysia this week to try to extort some money to keep the US corporate government from collapsing.
The Japanese police agency sent somebody to visit the WDS to ask about the Obama visit. He was told the police should arrest Obama on charges of mass murder and fraud as soon as he stepped foot in the country. He was also told that slave Prime Minister Abe should also be arrested for election stealing and accepting foreign bribes to betray his country. The US agencies and military based in Japan would be the heroes of the human race if they agreed to help the Japanese police to make the arrests.
If the Japanese and US 7th fleet lack the courage to make this move then perhaps the Malaysians will do it.
Arresting Obama would be the trigger that would bring about world peace and vastly accelerate the positive changes taking place on this planet. However, it is probably wishful thinking.
Instead, according to an Asian based CIA source, Abe and Obama are going to preside over some provocations and incidents aimed at ratcheting up tension in East Asia. “Obama wants to start a Ukraine like situation in the region,” was how he put it.
Speaking about the Ukraine, the P2 lodge sent this writer a video clip of a Police Chief being beheaded in Eastern Ukraine. This is the same satanic mercenary army that has been carrying out atrocities in Iraq and Syria. Rest assured, these scum are being systematically hunted down and slaughtered.
The CIA chief visited Ukraine recently because 20 of his “Greystone” (Blackwater, Xi, Academi) murderers have recently vanished. They will continue to “vanish” until these criminals are all gone.
There is also evidence that some sort of major counter-attack against the cabal has begun in Asia. The ongoing swarm of earthquakes hitting New Guinea are taking place in an area known to host a Nazi submarine base.
Also, in China, over 1000 officials linked to the cabal have been executed since Xi Jinping came into power, according to a Chinese government official.
Finally, to conclude, Japanese TV was set to broadcast a 911 truth documentary during prime time while Obama was visiting the country. However, the producers were told “the time was not yet ripe.”
We are to hold our fire until we can see the whites of their eyes. There is no sense in going off half-cocked. When the White Dragon moves, it must be absolute and overwhelming.
Let there be no doubt about it, the United States of America has degenerated into a rogue nation ruled by Satan worshipping gangsters and is the black hole from which most of the world’s misery emerges.
Removing the public face of the US oligarchy, Barack Hussein Obama, raises the question of “what do you replace him with?” If the heads of the military industrial complex do not act with a unified plan, the answer is likely to be chaos, turmoil and possibly even civil war in the US.
The best hope now lies with the State governments who now have the required two-thirds support to demand a conference to rewrite the constitution of the United States of America.
That conference could be used as the means to set up an interim government with the power to clean out the filth that festers in Washington D.C.
Also, talks with various factions within the US military industrial complex reveal a surprising amount of agreement on key issues. The problem seems to be one of egos and rival institutions vying for power rather than disagreement over what needs to be done.
Here are some of the main points everybody agrees on:
1) There should be a jubilee; a once off write-off of all debts public and private. That is a no-brainer that would immediately end the ongoing US depression.
2) There needs to be a redistribution of assets. Most of the fortune 500 companies are controlled by the seven families that founded the Federal Reserve Board. The concentrated ownership is hidden by foundations and obscure accounting. These families mostly did not create the companies they own, rather they acquired them through murder and theft. These assets need to be either redistributed or put into a public fund and managed on behalf of the American people.
3) The Congress, the Senate, the Supreme Court and the White House in Washington D.C. are nothing more than a heavily bribed acting troop and need to be replaced. The umbilical cord of linking money and politics needs to be severed.
4) Once Washington is cleaned up, the government needs to start issuing money instead of the privately ownedFederal Reserve Board.
5) The media monopolies need to be broken up and the American people need to be told their true history.
This is the broad consensus that can be found inside the United States, especially inside the military and the agencies as well as within most state governments. The United States is ready to once again become and independent nation.
Seen from outside of the United States, however, a very different picture emerges. First of all, while Europeans and Americans constitute about one fifth the world’s population, they control four out of the five vetoes at the United Nations Security Council. This means the UN is still a European instrument of colonial control. That has to change.
The other thing that has to change is the global financial architecture. If the Republic of the United States of America is restored and issues its own currency, then a new institution needs to be set up to manage the internationally held and traded US dollars.
The World Bank and the IMF are not up to the job and there is no sign whatsoever that the Europeans and Americans will give up their control of these institutions. Even the reformed voting structure planned for the IMF (and blocked by the US as mentioned last week) would leave Europeans in charge.
For that reason there are negotiations going on to set up an entirely new institution that would make the IMF and World Bank largely irrelevant. This is not going to happen overnight because new systems and computer networks need to be set up independent of the US dominated and thoroughly hacked SWIFT international payments system. Here the Europeans, Russians, the Middle Eastern oil exporters and the Chinese are in broad agreement. It will take a couple of years to build up, however, so do not expect a sudden change on this front. Nonetheless, the first big step, for Europe to pay for Russian gas in Euros instead of US dollars, is already in the works.
That will leave the US corporate government headed by Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) extremely isolated.
Perhaps that is why Obama is vising US Asian colonies of Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Malaysia this week to try to extort some money to keep the US corporate government from collapsing.
The Japanese police agency sent somebody to visit the WDS to ask about the Obama visit. He was told the police should arrest Obama on charges of mass murder and fraud as soon as he stepped foot in the country. He was also told that slave Prime Minister Abe should also be arrested for election stealing and accepting foreign bribes to betray his country. The US agencies and military based in Japan would be the heroes of the human race if they agreed to help the Japanese police to make the arrests.
If the Japanese and US 7th fleet lack the courage to make this move then perhaps the Malaysians will do it.
Arresting Obama would be the trigger that would bring about world peace and vastly accelerate the positive changes taking place on this planet. However, it is probably wishful thinking.
Instead, according to an Asian based CIA source, Abe and Obama are going to preside over some provocations and incidents aimed at ratcheting up tension in East Asia. “Obama wants to start a Ukraine like situation in the region,” was how he put it.
Speaking about the Ukraine, the P2 lodge sent this writer a video clip of a Police Chief being beheaded in Eastern Ukraine. This is the same satanic mercenary army that has been carrying out atrocities in Iraq and Syria. Rest assured, these scum are being systematically hunted down and slaughtered.
The CIA chief visited Ukraine recently because 20 of his “Greystone” (Blackwater, Xi, Academi) murderers have recently vanished. They will continue to “vanish” until these criminals are all gone.
There is also evidence that some sort of major counter-attack against the cabal has begun in Asia. The ongoing swarm of earthquakes hitting New Guinea are taking place in an area known to host a Nazi submarine base.
Also, in China, over 1000 officials linked to the cabal have been executed since Xi Jinping came into power, according to a Chinese government official.
Finally, to conclude, Japanese TV was set to broadcast a 911 truth documentary during prime time while Obama was visiting the country. However, the producers were told “the time was not yet ripe.”
We are to hold our fire until we can see the whites of their eyes. There is no sense in going off half-cocked. When the White Dragon moves, it must be absolute and overwhelming.
Only dead fish go with the flow ....
This is what Mark Levine has been talking about -- a constitutional convention by the states to get back to the laws of the Constitution.
This will take less than thirty seconds to read. If you agree, please pass it on. This is an idea that we should address.
Governors of 35 states have filed suit against the Federal Government for imposing unlawful burdens upon them. It only takes 38 (of the 50) States to convene a Constitutional Convention.
This will take less than thirty seconds to read. If you agree, please pass it on. This is an idea that we should address.
For too long we have been too complacent about the workings of Congress. Their latest stunt is to exempt themselves from the Healthcare Reform that they passed ... in all of its forms. Somehow, that doesn't seem logical. We do not have an elite ruling class that is above the law. I truly don't care if they are Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever. The self-serving must stop.
If each person that receives this will forward it on to 15 people, in three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one proposal that really should be passed around.
Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution: "Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators, Representatives of Congress; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ...."
You are one of my 15 (or more). Please keep this going. You can forward this message, or copy and paste it into a new message. We still have that choice!
This is what Mark Levine has been talking about -- a constitutional convention by the states to get back to the laws of the Constitution.
This will take less than thirty seconds to read. If you agree, please pass it on. This is an idea that we should address.
Governors of 35 states have filed suit against the Federal Government for imposing unlawful burdens upon them. It only takes 38 (of the 50) States to convene a Constitutional Convention.
This will take less than thirty seconds to read. If you agree, please pass it on. This is an idea that we should address.
For too long we have been too complacent about the workings of Congress. Their latest stunt is to exempt themselves from the Healthcare Reform that they passed ... in all of its forms. Somehow, that doesn't seem logical. We do not have an elite ruling class that is above the law. I truly don't care if they are Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever. The self-serving must stop.
If each person that receives this will forward it on to 15 people, in three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one proposal that really should be passed around.
Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution: "Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators, Representatives of Congress; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ...."
You are one of my 15 (or more). Please keep this going. You can forward this message, or copy and paste it into a new message. We still have that choice!
Did Michigan just trigger 'constitutional convention'? Bid gains steam
WASHINGTON – Momentum is building behind what would be an unprecedented effort to amend the U.S. Constitution, through a little-known provision that gives states rather than Congress the power to initiate changes.
At issue is what's known as a "constitutional convention," a scenario tucked into Article V of the U.S. Constitution. At its core, Article V provides two ways for amendments to be proposed. The first – which has been used for all 27 amendment to date – requires two-thirds of both the House and Senate to approve a resolution, before sending it to the states for ratification. The Founding Fathers, though, devised an alternative way which says if two-thirds of state legislatures demand a meeting, Congress “shall call a convention for proposing amendments.”
The idea has gained popularity among constitutional scholars in recent years -- but got a big boost last week when Michigan lawmakers endorsed it.
Michigan matters, because by some counts it was the 34th state to do so. That makes two-thirds.
In the wake of the vote, California Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter pressed House Speaker John Boehner on Tuesday to determine whether the states just crossed the threshold for this kind of convention. Like Michigan lawmakers, Hunter's interest in the matter stems from a desire to push a balanced-budget amendment -- something that could potentially be done at a constitutional convention.
“Based on several reports and opinions, Michigan might be the 34th state to issue such a call and therefore presents the constitutionally-required number of states to begin the process of achieving a balanced budget amendment,” Hunter wrote.
“With the recent decision by Michigan lawmakers, it is important that the House – and those of us who support a balanced budget amendment -- determine whether the necessary number of states have acted and the appropriate role of Congress should this be the case."
If two-thirds of the states indeed have applied, the ball is presumably in Congress' court to call the convention.
But Article V is rather vague, and it's ultimately unclear whether 34 states have technically applied. In the past, states like Oregon, Utah and Arizona have quietly voted to approve the provision in their legislature.
But some of the 34 or so have rescinded their requests. Others have rescinded, and then re-applied.
Alabama rescinded its request in 1988 but in 2011, lawmakers again applied for a convention related to an amendment requiring that the federal budget be balanced. It was a similar story in Florida in 2010.
Louisiana rescinded in 1990 but lawmakers have tried several times, unsuccessfully, to reinstate the application since then.
It's unclear whether the applications still count in these scenarios.
Some constitutional scholars like Gregory Watson, an analyst in Texas, say once states ask, there may be no take-backs.
“There is a disagreement among scholars as to whether a state that has approved an application may later rescind that application,” Watson told The Washington Times. “If it is ultimately adjudicated that a state may not rescind a prior application, then Ohio’s 2013 application for a Balanced Budget Amendment convention would be the 33rd and Michigan’s 2014 application would be the 34th on that topic.”
Others say if a state changes its mind, it can no longer be part of the 34.
Even if the requisite number of states have applied, questions remain about how such a convention would work -- and whether, as Michigan wants, such a convention could be limited to only discussing a balanced-budget amendment.
It still may be a long shot, but some analysts are warning about the unintended consequences of such a move.
In Louisiana, Budget Project Policy Analyst Steve Spire argued against the state's resolution, saying the convention could permanently damage the nation’s political system.
The last time there was a successful amendment was more than four decades ago – the 26th Amendment which changed the voting age to 18. States ratified the 27thAmendment on congressional pay increases, but it took more than 200 years to do it.


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