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Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Short Planetary Situation Update

Behind the scenes, clearing of the Chimera group continues. We have now reached the stage when only the core of the Chimera group remains, and clearing that core group is now the main challenge.
Global plasma scalar mind control network is tied to strangelet bombs and this is why its removal takes so much time.
The etheric Archon grid is the final stage of dissolution and the power of the Archons diminishing rapidly, leaving the Chimera group as the main controllers of quarantine Earth and their plasma scalar network as the main tool of psychological programming.
The Cabal is now engineering events (plane crashes, Ebola scare) and hyping them through the mass media to keep human masses in the state of fear. They will NOT be able to use Ebola as an excuse to install martial law. They know the breakthrough of Light is near and they still want to do whatever they can to postpone it.
The Chimera (the force behind the technologically advanced negative military, focused on maintaining the quarantine Earth status) and the Archons (black nobility families behind the Jesuits, focused on keeping humanity as religion-programmed slaves in reincarnation cycle) are still at the top of the food chain. The Rothschild faction (Zionist controllers of the mass media and accountants of the global financial system) and the Illuminazi faction (Paperclip-imported crime syndicate) are their subordinates.
All this structure will fall apart when the exotic weapons of the Chimera group are removed and therefore their mechanisms of planetary control dissolved.
This is the main condition for the Event to happen.
Despite all appearances, victory of the Light is near.


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