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Friday, August 15, 2014

**** Heavy incoming energies are with us now and much new information also.***

Wow. I hope this video goes viral as one of the best depictions of the fractal/multidimensional universe that I have EVER SEEN! This is what's happening behind the veil. YOU are the center of your Universe! Absolutely beautiful!! Please watch if you are Awake! Crystal walker: wrote this comment above:
Big energy changes going on right now if you are fatigued, depressed, having strange health issues, weird dreams and you feel your life is ending - know thatthis is all part of a big gigantic clearing that is going on right now. One stage of life is ending, new stages to begin soon.
    I get September is going to be a new beginnings month for many. Because of this, but also because of where we are at in the planetary cycle as a whole, August is a major month of wrapping up loose ends.  
    Many whose contracts do not have the next phase on the agenda are also leaving the planet right now. Others may feel like they are leaving the planet, but are not. They are either clearing at the physical level or wrapping up a life stage, getting ready for the next chapter. A new chapter that is not just a personal new chapter, but a planetary one. 
    We are entering into a new stage of Earth life and, as we do so, all of us are preparing or adapting to our new selves and new roles. Which sometimes requires letting go of old roles, so we can be who we need to be and where we need to be, at the right time.  
    For some time we have been talking of people going into higher consciousness streams in waves. Know that each wave is getting there in stages. If you feel like you are in a wrap up-ending-dying stage right now, allow the parts of your personality that need to die now to do so, so that the new you can emerge. We are all wrapped in silk now, ready to bust out of the cocoon. But to do so, we first need to let go of all in us that is still a caterpillar. And that is not always the most painless of processes. Especially when we fight it.   
    Ego death is not the most fun thing in the world, so if you find yourself in ego death, be compassionate with self. And also remember that much of this is just karma clearing and old parts of the self shedding, so that the Self with the capital 'S' can fully embody and take hold.  
    Ego death can take the form of death of a way of life, of death of a way of being, and/or death of personality patterns that no longer serve you. The quicker you let go, the faster the new you can emerge and take root.  
    If you have already done ego death, you may find that this energetic transition hits you more at the physical level. You may be tired, wanting to cocoon, wanting to be alone, to regroup, and you may even feel sick. The changes here are occurring at the cellular level. Trust that the body knows what it needs. Even if this may be sleep, sleep and more sleep.  
    Energy workers and spirit people of various kinds seem to be going through this one right now. I am hearing from many that all they want to do is sleep. If this is you, allow it. Just like in January many had the pre- Grand-Cross vibrational flu, now many have the pre- whatever-phase-comes next vibrational sickness and fatigue. I am being told from various sources to not panic and to just be. As next stage requires this physical shift and integration.
    For people that are losing loved ones at this time - know that there is a reason for this migration - not all have agreed to be here for every stage of Earth transformation and there is a large group of souls that has simply finished their job and are leaving right now. Or have already recently left. Try to be at peace with this, if you can. 
    My experience with people of my own passing lately is that they all seem ultra happy to be on the other side. As we all know the Earth journey is not for the faint of heart. And for many transitioning is a celebration, even if it's often very hard for those left behind, who have to adapt to the Earth connection without those specific bonds of love.  
    Overall, I get that if we truly understood the bigness of the times we live in and of the process for which we have volunteered to embody, we would be astounded. And if we truly understood who we are and what we have come here to do, we would have great respect for ourselves for participating in such a big journey. 
    Now is the time to pat ourselves on the back for being here, without the Earth self's inner critic chatter that so often tries to convince us of our shortcomings. We are all flawed in our own unique ways, but we are all also magnificent in just as many unique ways. May we be blessed with self-compassion and self-love in great measure during these changing times.    
    May you always walk in the beauty, compassion and hope x x x
NOTES:   Holding onto guilt, shame or blame is like taking a second helping of vomit.  Its taste does no one any good.  SO  let it go.  It is a new day today. You might want to take the lesson it taught with u
What I just said is already gone.  Are you in a better place??   LOL Move forward/on.  There is only NOW.  You are going in the wrong direction by looking back.  Keep the good and built on it.  The rest is garbage. 

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