hERE IS the Link to David Wilcock he put out today Nov 25 2015; but everyone is having trouble getting onto David's sight. soo if you can't get on....stay tuned we working on getting this up soon as we can, we have a team working on it. Try the link see if you can get on, if not leave me a comment on this blog. Blessings of Love Peace & Joy turning to Bliss!! to you and your family Love Elizabeth Diamond.
I Found Part One of DISCLOSURE SHOWDOWN: The War For The Truth, scroll bottom of this blog, still trying to get part two!!!
Wow! The tech support guy just told me that at the VERY INSTANT he rebooted the site, there were already 317 access attempts on the database. He said "This has the patterns of a DDOS attack." I am now on hold as it goes up the chain. David Wilcock says this
Why in God's name did Turkey, a US ally, bomb Russian planes that were destroying ISIS?
What the hell is going on? Has the world gone crazy?
No... you are seeing the final stages of a war for Disclosure that insiders have been telling us about for some time.
This is an absolute must-read, with intel that is crucial to spread far and wide.
The information that will be released will make the Snowden data just look like an appetizer.
by David Wilcock
November 25, 2015, 6:30 am
Page 1 of 4
The downing of a Russian airliner, the "heart attack" of the founder of Russia Today in DC, the stunning UFO-like missile test over LA, the Paris shootings and the Turkish attack on a Russian warplane may all be signs that the war for Disclosure is reaching its climax.
At least six different insider sources are telling us the Alliance has reached a huge decision: They have finally agreed to move forward with Disclosure.
Disclosure involves a tremendous release of classified information that will utterly change everything we thought we knew about the world today.
This may include some sort of official announcement, in the not-too-distant future, that non-terrestrial intelligent civilizations are visiting Earth.
A short-term initiative is already being implemented now -- while the longer-term initiatives of how much to tell us, and when, are still being negotiated.
All five of these highly unusual and violent events occurred AFTER the majority of our insiders leaked this new intel to us... independently of each other.
Only the Old World Order "Cabal" group is now opposed to Disclosure. And, as usual, they are using terrorism to try to stop it -- against Russia and France.
These attacks may be intended to bully Alliance countries and create fear, so they will hopefully rethink their decision to release the big secret.
Regardless of the secret and deadly war now being fought, the weeks and months ahead could finally produce some very exciting changes.
So many things are happening all at once that we feel it is important to summarize what we know in one single investigation.
[PLEASE NOTE: You may post excerpts of this article on your website or social media, but please link your readers back to this original as updates may occur.]
Like everyone else, we were shocked and saddened by the downing of the Russian airliner and the Paris shootings.
And what in the world is Turkey, a US ally, doing shooting down a Russian warplane that is bombing ISIS, everyone's terrorist arch-enemy?
Up until this all started, things had been quiet for a couple months -- in the sense that negative mass incidents were not dominating our collective attention.
We had two more large sections of data ready to go, but held them back once it was clear that the critical time had not yet arrived.
It was also admittedly necessary to take some time out, breathe and rebuild our resolve to continue fighting this battle.
Given what we are now seeing in the news and hearing from insiders, the time of change we were anticipating is happening now.
11/25: Russia Bombards Syrian Rebels Near Downed Russian Jet
The incident was one of the most serious publicly acknowledged clashes for half a century between Russia and a NATO member country.
If you are new to this and find yourself saying "What insiders," or something less polite, our contact with multiple whistleblowers is easily provable -- with video.
I (David) attended the Disclosure Project in 2001, featuring 39 insiders. I appear in the SIRIUS feature film that refers to these proceedings as well.
I worked closely with Project Camelot, a group that has released videos of many whistleblowers, for their first four years -- and met many of their insiders.
You can see me in Part 2 of the Pete Peterson Camelot video. Pete has been a very reliable and trusted source ever since we did this taping six years ago.
I also got called up on stage with NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O' Leary and space program insider Henry Deacon halfway through this video taken in Zurich.
Now there is an entire show on the Gaia network where I am interviewing the space program insider Corey Goode, entitled Cosmic Disclosure.
Cosmic Disclosure has broken all previous viewership records for Gaia (formerly GaiamTV) and now has an audience comparable in size to that of CNN.
We have leaked insider data for many years in David's Blog, creating controversial articles averaging over 100,000 unique views each.
Wherever possible, we have done the hard work of finding provable data to match up with insider testimony, so you don't have to "take our word for it."
Although the progress has been painfully slow, the disclosure war we have been documenting here has become ever-increasingly obvious.
There are countless news stories emerging every week that reveal the secret war that is raging behind the scenes -- on a global level.
The truth truly is stranger and more fascinating than fiction -- and you become part of the solution by learning about it.
This investigation will be a "long read," but it will definitely not be boring. It presents a compelling narrative of data we have never before summarized.
So drop whatever you are doing, strap in and prepare for a wild ride.
Images and videos of smoldering debris, dead bodies, gunshots, screaming victims and wounded people haunt our dreams after events like these.
It is all too easy to throw up our hands and feel like all we can do is either grieve their losses or just numb ourselves out and ignore the pain.
These events must get bigger and nastier over time in order to generate mass effects, such as fear and terror -- which is what the perpetrators want.
That's why this type of crime is called "terrorism."
If the perpetrators can trigger a full-scale war out of it -- or at least a "piecemeal World War III," as one of the links below says -- then they get what they want.
Top media headlines have a short attention span and only focus on one major event at a time. A new war or mass fatality serves as an excellent distraction.
These disasters are shocking reminders that we have not yet reached our goals of a peaceful, harmonious future.
By exposing the truth of what is going on, we can work towards a solution that will free the earth from terrorism once and for all.
We cannot stand by, do nothing and wait for the next catastrophe as innocent people continue to die at the hands of these criminals.
It's easy enough to "go back to sleep" after events like this -- only to be triggered into fear once again when the next big news story comes along.
By exposing the truth of what is going on, we can work towards a solution that will free the earth from terrorism once and for all.
Whether we realize it or not, by learning and sharing the truth, we are helping an alliance that is diligently working to defeat the perpetrators of these attacks.
We will share detailed new information about this huge international alliance in this report, matching up insider data with provable facts.
The game is so deadly, and the villain so ruthless, that almost every Alliance move needs to be wrapped in a cloak of secrecy.
Once you become awakened to the truth of what is going on in our world, you will never see mass terror events like these in the same way.
Although there are genuine Muslim extremists working in a group like ISIS, the bigger question is who is financing them, and for what purpose.
There is a great abundance of evidence to suggest that groups like ISIS are "proxy armies" used by the Powers that Were to achieve their political goals.
Who are the Powers that Were?
You can call them whatever you like. They are the secret government syndicates that have been dominating the Western world behind the scenes.
It is shocking to discover that they covertly owned and controlled both sides of every major war in the 20th century, as we revealed in Financial Tyranny.
This is not an "Internet Conspiracy Theory." The data is voluminous and irrefutable. Hitler was merely the most villainous face of the hydra.
Witness testimony is admitted as proof in a court of law, and countless witnesses have already stepped forward and presented damning evidence.
These crime syndicates have taught us to attack, ridicule and smear the whistleblowers and journalists exposing the truth.
This becomes an emotional coping mechanism -- particularly for the older generations who grew up in a world of sanitized corporate media.
It helps us avoid the shocking betrayal of finding "the man in the bedroom" with the one we have supported and loved -- and in this case voted for.
Every insider we have spoken with has direct, first-person knowledge of the fact that these secret government syndicates exist.
We have documented numerous examples of intel that was later proven to be correct -- and to appear as major headlines.
These syndicates have marshaled incredible resources to ridicule and bury the truth -- all in the hopes of swaying your opinion.
Many of the biggest headlines we see have a much greater story going on behind them than we realize.
According to multiple insiders, the real story may soon be revealed to the public in a stunning, major way.
We have been kept in the dark about the widespread presence of intelligent civilizations in and around earth, going back hundreds of millions of years.
It will quickly create the greatest mass awakening in all of our recorded history.
The syndicates are holding back technology that includes free energy, anti-gravity, portal travel and materializers -- and tools that could heal the earth.
We have also been kept in the dark about the widespread presence of intelligent civilizations in and around earth, going back hundreds of millions of years.
We are encouraged enough by what we are now hearing to "put it all out there" in this investigation.
Honestly, I am more excited by the latest news than I have been at any other point in this journey. I can't wait to see how this all plays out.
Once the dam breaks -- and it obviously must, sooner or later -- it will finally vindicate so many years of tireless effort in the face of lethal threats and intimidation.
For the uninitiated, the idea that ISIS is a Western operation, financed by "too big to fail" banks, is so treasonous and crazy as to be impossible to consider.
Nonetheless, let's now review and expand upon the first group of links we shared in August 24th's "Terrifying Global Events."
After the Russian airliner explosion and the Paris mass shootings, the question of "who and what is ISIS" has much greater urgency.
Our first link from the NY Times revealed that the governments of Iraq and Iran, at the highest levels, consider it a fact that ISIS is a proxy army of the West.
Part of what makes this announcement so significant is the simple fact that an institution like the NY Times would have mentioned it at all.
They are seeding a new thought into the mass public, using the "plausible deniability" of it only being a "conspiracy theory" within the governments of Iraq and Iran.
What kind of intel does Iraq and Iran possess that leads them to believe ISIS is a creature of the West?
9/21/14: NY Times: Are ISIS and CIA United?
BAGHDAD — The United States has conducted an escalating campaign of deadly airstrikes against the extremists of the Islamic State for more than a month.
But that appears to have done little to tamp down the conspiracy theories still circulating from the streets of Baghdad to the highest levels of Iraqi government that the C.I.A. is secretly behind the same extremists that it is now attacking.
“We know about who made Daesh,” said Bahaa al-Araji, a deputy prime minister, using an Arabic shorthand for the Islamic State on Saturday at a demonstration called by the Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr to warn against the possible deployment of American ground troops.
Mr. Sadr publicly blamed the C.I.A. for creating the Islamic State in a speech last week.
Interviews suggested that most of the few thousand people at the demonstration, including dozens of members of Parliament, subscribed to the same theory.
(Mr. Sadr is considered close to Iran, and the theory is popular there as well.)...
Omar al-Jabouri, 31, a Sunni Muslim from a predominantly Shiite neighborhood of Baghdad who attended the rally, [said]...
“It is obvious to everyone that the Islamic State is a creation of the United States and Israel.”
In this two-minute video clip, taken from the second link in "Terrifying Global Events," we meet the vastly under-reported HSBC whistleblower Everett Stern.
As an insider now coming forward, Stern confidently shares one of a variety of examples proving that mega-banks like HSBC and JP Morgan are financing ISIS.
9/24: Terrorism Financed by HSBC and JP Morgan [Disappeared after August 24th article publication]
One of the most provocative pieces on Stern's site is a letter he submitted to the Federal Reserve, revealing the scope of crimes he witnessed as an employee of HSBC.
This letter is extremely rich in detail. Due to the size of our investigation, we will only include enough of it to get you started, including one specific example:
Everett Stern Intelligence Report: Letter to Federal Reserve on HSBC Bank
As the HSBC Whistleblower, I observed blatant and systematic violations of U.S. Anti-Money Laundering laws and a 2010 Cease and Desist Order – violations that I believe continue to this day.
While HSBC attempted to make it appear that it was in compliance with U.S. Anti-Money laundering laws and the 2010 Cease and Desist Order, it was, in fact, engaged in a widespread scheme to evade those restrictions and approve massive amounts of illegal financial transactions to boost bank profits....
The illegal conduct resulted in HSBC’s blatant participation in, and enabling of, drug trafficking, terrorist activities and the channeling of money to sanctioned regimes abroad.
Stern reported his findings to his superiors at HSBC and was at various times ignored, taunted, ridiculed and ultimately forced out.
Stern also reported this information to the CIA and the FBI.
Although HSBC entered into five Settlement Agreements with five different U.S. government agencies on December 11, 2012, pursuant to which HSBC agreed to pay $1.92 billion in fines and penalties, those Settlement Agreements do not release the specific illegal conduct Stern complains of and reports herein, and pertain generally to conduct that occurred prior to Stern’s employment with HSBC....
In June of 2011, as the specialist on the Middle East, Stern discovered that a number of the former HSBC debt collectors who were appointed AML Compliance Officers were approving transactions going to foundations in the Gaza Strip.
Stern reported this to his superiors, and warned that Hamas, which the U.S. State Department has deemed a terrorist organization, is the elected government of Gaza and that this money could be used to fund terrorism.
He did so by sending an email titled “Compliance Error” to Jeff Kraft and Luis Viteri (attached as Exhibit 4).
Subsequently, Jeff Kraft pulled Stern into a conference room and threatened to fire him.
Kraft stated, “Do you know what would happen if the government found out about the Compliance Error email? They would shut us down.
"Do you f---ing understand we are under a cease and desist order and you are putting in writing that we have a compliance error!?
"Gary Peterson would fire you in two seconds if he found out about this.”
When Stern tried to explain the situation to Kraft, Kraft stated, “Hamas is not a terrorist organization – they were elected to power.”
In case anyone says Stern is "blowing smoke" and "making things up," here is a Bloomberg article on the 1.92 billion-dollar fine HSBC was slapped with.
And get this -- HSBC admitted to financing organizations in Iran, Libya, Sudan, Burma, Cuba and Mexico as part of their settlement.
This completely violated the Trading With The Enemy Act, and provided money to terrorist groups that are supposed to be blocked by economic sanctions.
The 1.9 billion-dollar fine is but a tiny fraction of the 670B in un-monitored wire transfers and 9.4B in money laundering out of Mexico that was found in this investigation:
7/3/13: HSBC Judge Approves 1.9B Drug-Money Laundering Accord
HSBC Holdings Plc’s $1.9 billion agreement with the U.S. to resolve charges it enabled Latin American drug cartels to launder billions of dollars was approved by a federal judge.
U.S. District Judge John Gleeson in Brooklyn, New York, signed off yesterday on a deferred-prosecution agreement, a critical component of the London-based bank’s settlement.
Gleeson said in his order that he was exercising “supervisory power” over the deal even though the bank and government contended he didn’t have authority to approve or deny it....
HSBC was accused of failing to monitor more than $670 billion in wire transfers and more than $9.4 billion in purchases of U.S. currency from HSBC Mexico, allowing for money laundering, prosecutors said.
The bank also violated U.S. economic sanctions against Iran, Libya, Sudan, Burma and Cuba, according to a criminal information filed in the case.
Civil Penalties
The bank, Europe’s largest, agreed to pay a $1.25 billion forfeiture and $665 million in civil penalties under the settlement, prosecutors announced in December.
At a hearing the same month, Gleeson told prosecutors there had been “publicized criticism” of the agreement, which lets the bank and management avoid further criminal proceedings over the charges.
Gleeson said he will continue supervising implementation of the deal, under which the bank agreed not to contest criminal charges of failing to maintain an effective anti-money-laundering program, failing to conduct due diligence, and violating the Trading With the Enemy Act and the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.
Obviously, "publicized criticism" is a pretty loose term. There is so much information online these days that a story like this can easily be buried -- and it was.
Here is what the whistleblower Everett Stern had to say about this 1.9B judgment HSBC paid out in an interview with Newsmax:
7/30/14: HSBC Whistleblower: Banks are Financing Terrorism
HSBC Bank whistleblower Everett Stern, CEO of Tactical Rabbit, says that banks like HSBC not only know, but have admitted to doing business with companies that finance terrorists.
"HSBC is part of the deferred prosecution agreement and JP Morgan and Citibank, they have all admitted to these things," Stern told Ed Berliner on "MidPoint" on Newsmax TV Wednesday.
"For some reason the mainstream media is not covering the issue, and the American public doesn't understand that these banks are literally financing the next 9/11," he explained.
Stern uncovered a money-laundering operation at HSBC in 2011, when he discovered that the bank was giving the terrorist group Hezbollah access to millions of dollars.
"What I found was criminal manipulation of the wire filter.
"There was hundreds upon millions of dollars moving from Caribe Supermarkets, which is in Gambia, which is owned by the Tajideen brothers, which are financiers of Hezbollah," he explained.
"And that money was being laundered through the U.S. and then back to Lebanon," he said.
"It was financing Hezbollah, and this is what was going on at HSBC," the CEO of Tactical Rabbit said. The Justice Department fined HSBC $2 billion, "which is five weeks of their profit, and that was it," he added. Even though money laundering is generally seen as a white-collar crime, "these people have the blood of American soldiers on their hands."
HSBC supposedly said "we'll never, ever do it again" after paying the five-week fine -- but this was not the case.
One year later, HSBC was again fined for blatantly financing terrorism. This was directly due to Everett Stern's brave efforts to share the truth.
The story even made it to the Huffington Post, proving this is not an "Internet Conspiracy Theory."
Judge John Gleeson obviously was unable to successfully monitor HSBC after his 1.9B judgment against them was filed and they paid the settlement.
Everett Stern is an example of someone who did the right thing. He discovered HSBC was transferring hundreds of millions of dollars of funds to a variety of terrorist organizations, and he reported it.
Notice how HSBC attempts to take credit for this, saying this data was "voluntarily reported" -- when in fact it was only thanks to Stern, a Snowden-type whistleblower, that it was released:
12/18/13: HSBC Gets Small Fine for Terrorist Transactions
A major U.S. bank has agreed to a settlement for transferring funds on the behalf of financiers for the militant group Hezbollah, the Treasury Department announced on Tuesday.
Concluding that HSBC's actions "were not the result of willful or reckless conduct," Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control accepted a $32,400 settlement from the bank.
Treasury noted, as did HSBC in a statement to HuffPost, that the violations were voluntarily reported.
Everett Stern, a former HSBC compliance officer who complained to his supervisors about the Hezbollah-linked transactions, told HuffPost he was "ecstatic and depressed at the same time."
"Those are my transactions, I reported them," he said, satisfied that the government was taking action.
But, he added, "Where I am upset was those were a handful of transactions, and I saw hundreds of millions of dollars" being transferred.
Stern said he hopes the government's enforcement actions against HSBC have not come to an end with the latest settlement.
"They admit to financing terrorism and they get fined $32,000. Where if I were to do that, I would go to jail for life," he said.
HSBC's fine is less than the $40,165.07 covered in the settlement agreement that the bank transferred between December 2010 and April 2011 on behalf of a development company that Treasury says serves as a front for some of Hezbollah's biggest financiers in Africa.
And the government watchdog's claim that HSBC committed no "substantially similar apparent violations" in the past five years is likely to raise some eyebrows.
In December 2012, the bank agreed to pay a $1.9 billion settlement for moving money that a 2012 Senate report found had likely helped drug cartels and a Saudi Arabian bank the CIA has linked to al Qaeda.
What you just read is only what one whistleblower was able to uncover -- within one of a variety of "too big to fail" banks and financial institutions.
There have been a huge number of violent deaths in the banking and finance industry over the last 3 years, overlapping with the post-Snowden era.
Given how suspicious most of these "suicides" are, this could be a mass terror operation against any potential whistleblowers by the banks themselves.
At least 36 occurred just in 2014 alone. Internet searches reveal these lists have been widely circulated on a variety of conspiracy analysis sites.
Every single link in the Secrets of the Fed list pointed to a blog by "Michael Tyler", which features conspiracy information as well as racist content, unfortunately.
An example of content disparaging to Asians would be November 2nd, 2015's "Funny Chinglish Signs."
If Michael Tyler is indeed a real guy, it is definitely not a good idea to mix racist content together with such a serious investigation on the same site.
This is one of the tactics the Cabal uses to discredit information. Either way, this site has the largest single list of provable banker suicides we have found online.
In order to understand the secrets behind the list you are about to read, some additional information is necessary.
It is considered "common knowledge" among the insiders I have spoken to that the Cabal assassinates whistleblowers by setting them up to look like a suicide.
These jobs typically involve a five-man team of paid mercenaries, called "wet workers." The total cost for a job like this is typically 5 million dollars.
It may be that the ringleader, who does the dirtiest work, gets 2M and the other four, who provide lookout and support, get 750K.
Traditionally the money is paid in cash, so as not to create any traceable transactions that could be discovered later on in an investigation.
A "good wet worker" has psychopathic personality characteristics that allow them to feel no fear or stress as they carry out these jobs.
They are invariably shown information convincing them that their target is a horrible person, and they are doing everyone a favor by taking them out.
Many of these workers end up being killed at some point to ensure silence. The Bourne Identity films are extremely accurate in this regard -- and others.
In some cases, like a car running off the road, the target never sees their assassins. In other cases the killers simply walk right up to their target.
What they do at this point is much more sophisticated than "the old gun-in-the-pizza trick."
Five-man teams of elite mercenaries are used to set up fake suicides.
Once these three guys show up (the other two are outlooks,) it very quickly becomes clear to the target that he or she has no choice.
The target will often be spoken to in a very calm, relaxed manner, even with a seemingly sincere apology as they are given a chance to accept their fate.
The target may be told that if they do not write their own suicide note, everyone they know and love will be brutally tortured and killed.
In many cases they are given a non-traceable sedative that knocks them out first, so they are not conscious of whatever is then done to them.
This also keeps the noise level down if the job is set up in an outdoor area or in a crowded residential facility like an apartment building.
The workers are also trained to be creative and use different methods, so their jobs do not take on a "signature" as we would see with serial killers.
Furthermore, all cars since 2006 can be hacked and driven by remote control, thanks to a secret law, making it even easier to take someone out.
In order to honor the dead, we have gone through and identified high-quality links to stories about each of their losses, and put them in chronological order.
Other lists of suspicious banker deaths included names that were not on Tyler's site, and those names have also been included here.
Although there were 17 suspicious deaths on Tyler's list for 2013, the biggest surge of events started in December 2013, after Snowden had changed the world.
We will start in December 2013 and continue to the end of 2014, though there have been many more suspicious deaths both before and after this one year.
Some of these are undoubtedly real suicides or accidents and not staged murders, but the sheer volume of unusual incidents in one year is cause for concern:
12/7/13: Joseph Ambrosio, 34, JP Morgan Financial Analyst, died suddenly from ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME – LINK 1, LINK 2
12/14/13: Benjamin Idim, 25, Nigerian, Diamond Bank executive, died in CAR CRASH with N2 million cash, only N800K recovered – LINK
12/15/13: Jason Alan Salais, 34, Information Technology specialist at JPMorgan, FOUND DEAD outside a Walgreens pharmacy – LINK
12/23/13: Susan Hewitt, 49, former Deutsche Bank executive, found FACE DOWN IN STREAM near her house during flood – LINK
12/23/13: Robert Wilson, 87, hedge fund founder, philanthropist, net worth 800M in 2000, JUMPED from 16th floor, ruled suicide – LINK
1/11/14: David Bird, 55, long-time reporter for the Wall Street Journal working at the Dow Jones news room, FOUND IN RIVER 14 mo later – LINK
1/19-28/14: Tim Dickenson, Director of Communications for Swiss Re, ties to JP Morgan, company COVERED UP time and cause of death – LINK
1/26/14: William ‘Bill’ Broeksmit, 58, former senior risk manager at Deutsche Bank, HUNG/ POSSIBLE SUICIDE – LINK
1/28/14: Gabriel Magee, 39, JP Morgan employee, dead after allegedly JUMPING from the rooftop of JP Morgan HQ in Europe – LINK
1/31/14: Mike Dueker, 50, Chief economist at Russell Investments and a former Federal Reserve bank economist, SUICIDE – LINK
2/3/14: Ryan Henry Crane, 37, Executive at JP Morgan, SUDDEN DEATH, cause unknown – LINK
2/4/14: John Ruiz, Morgan Stanley Municipal Debt Analyst, died suddenly, NO CAUSE GIVEN – LINK
2/7/14: Richard Talley, Former Chicago banker, founder and CEO of American Title Services, SHOT HIMSELF 7-8 times with NAIL GUN – LINK
2/18/14: Li Junjie, JP Morgan, Alleged SUICIDE after jumping from the JP Morgan HQ in Hong Kong – LINK 1,LINK 2
2/19/14: James Stuart Jr., Former National Bank of Commerce CEO, FOUND DEAD – LINK
2/28/14: Autumn Radtke, formerly w/JP Morgan, CEO of a Bitcoin exchange firm [competing with the Fed], “Suspected SUICIDE” – LINK 1, LINK 2
MARCH 2014
3/11/14: Mohamed Hamwi, 48, Syrian, System Analyst at Trepp, a financial data and analytics firm, SHOT –LINK
3/12/14: Edmund Reilly, 47, trader at Midtown’s Vertical Group, JUMPED in front of a speeding Long Island Rail Road commuter train – LINK
3/12/14: Kenneth Bellando, 28, former JP Morgan, involved in London Whale scandal, family of bankers, alleged SUICIDE jump – LINK
3/24/14: London coroners open formal investigation into rash of banker suicide deaths – LINK
APRIL 2014
4/3/14: Amir Kess, 52, Israeli co-founder and managing director Markstone Capital Group equity fund, CYCLIST HIT BY CAR – LINK 1, LINK 2
4/4/14: Jan Peter Schmittmann, former CEO of Dutch Bank ABN Amro, SHOT dead along with wife and daughter in "family tragedy" – LINK
4/7/14: Juergen Frick, 48, Bank Frick & Co. AG, SHOT dead in underground parking garage of bank, shooter committed suicide – LINK
4/13/14: Tanji Dewberry, Assistant VP, Credit Suisse, died with son in HOUSE FIRE, arson "ruled out" – LINK
4/18/14: Benoit Philippens, Director/Manager BNP Paribas, GUNNED DOWN with wife and nephew in front of home – LINK
4/22/14: Lydia (no surname given) 52, France’s Bred-Banque-Populaire, "questioned her superiors" before SUICIDE jump – LINK
4/23/14: Li Jianhua, 49, Non-bank Financial Institutions Supervision Department of the regulator, HEART ATTACK – LINK
4/28/14: Andrew Jarzyk, 27, Assistant VP, Commercial Banking at PNC Financial Services Group, BODY FOUND IN RIVER, "mystery" – LINK 1, LINK 2
MAY 2014
5/6/14: Carlos Six, 61, Belgian Director General of Taxation, managed 9140 employees, "great reformer," DROWNED – LINK
5/7/14: Thomas Schenkman, 42, Managing Director of Global Infrastructure, JP Morgan NY, SUDDEN DEATH, cause unknown/pending – LINK 1, LINK 2
5/9/14: Naseem Mubeen, Assistant VP of ZBTL Bank, Islamabad Pakistan, possible SUICIDE jump from 10th floor of bank building – LINK
5/23/14: Nigel Sharvin, 37, Senior Relationship Manager Ulster Bank, nephew of Scottish politician, ACCIDENTAL DROWNING – LINK
5/24/14: Daniel Leaf, 55, fmr Deutsche Bank, senior manager at the Bank of Scotland/Saracen Fund Managers, FELL OFF A 1000-FT CLIFF – LINK
5/24/14: Mahafarid Amir Khosravi, 45, Iranian billionaire HANGED for his part in 2.6B financial scandal – LINK
5/31/14: Lewis Katz, 76, four days after buying The Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News and, dies of suspicious PLANE CRASH – LINK
JUNE 2014
6/3/14: Jan Winkelhuijzen, 75, Dutch Financial Commissioner, found STABBED along with wife in alleged "suicide pact" at home – LINK 1, LINK 2
6/13/14: Richard Rockefeller, 66, son of mega-billionaire David Rockefeller, died on Friday the 13th in suspicious PLANE CRASH – LINK 1, LINK 2
6/24/14: Richard Gravino, 49, Application Team Lead, JP Morgan, SUDDEN DEATH, cause unknown/pending – LINK
JULY 2014
7/7/14: Julian Knott, 45, JPMorgan Executive Director, Global Tier 3 Network Ops, allegedly SHOT WIFE multiple times, then SHOT himself dead – LINK
7/17/14: Therese Brouwer, 50, Managing Director of energy finance unit of ING, largest Dutch lender, died in MH17 PLANE CRASH – LINK
7/20/14: Nicholas Valtz, 39, Managing Director of Cross-Asset Sales at Goldman Sachs, New York, DROWNED while kitesurfing – LINK
8/31/14: Tod Robert Edward, 51, Group Vice President for M&T Bank, died of VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER by DUI driver – LINK 1, LINK 2
9/14/14: James McDonald, 56, President & CEO of Rockefeller & Co, chairman of NYSE audit committee, self-inflicted GUNSHOT WOUND – LINK
10/20/14: Calogero Gambino, 41, Managing Director and senior attorney at Deutsche Bank, part of Libor scandal, found HANGED in apartment – LINK
10/23/14: Thierry Leyne, 49, French/ Israeli co-founder of investment firm with former IMF director, embroiled in trade scandal, SUICIDE – LINK 1, LINK 2
11/5/14: Geert Tack, 52, Belgian, Private Banker for ING, manager for wealthy, left home without cell phone or laptop, body FOUND IN WATER – LINK
11/16/14: Shawn Miller, 42, Citigroup Managing Director, key in sustainable finance, SLASHED WRIST AND NECK, murder weapon is missing – LINK
11/20/14: Melissa Millan, 54, Senior Vice President Mass Mutual, held Wall Street "trade secrets," STABBED IN CHEST, homicide – LINK 1, LINK 2
11/24/14: Thieu Leenen, 64, Dutch, Manager at ABN/AMRO, found with wife in SUBMERGED VEHICLE ruled as "suicide" – LINK 1, LINK 2, LINK 3
Sharing this data is admittedly problematic. Insiders have repeatedly said the Cabal likes it when people hear about these things, as it creates "useful" fear.
What do they mean by "useful fear?" It has nothing to do with learning to keep the door closed if you get an unexpected pizza delivery.
Big Brother is a confidence game. They have nowhere near enough staff to stop the awakening.
They want you to be afraid of them. That way you never choose to speak out, or do anything to stop them, because you worry that you might be next.
Let's be clear on this: the "Big Brother" we were warned about in 1984 is ultimately a confidence game.
Although we now know that surveillance is a worldwide, inescapable fact, there are only a limited number of employees working in the system.
The level of discontent is very widespread in the post-Snowden era.
Each person is a complex individual, not a drone, and they have mixed feelings about what they are doing -- to say the least.
There are hundreds of millions of people learning about the Cabal's deepest secrets online. The danger in educating yourself at this point is almost nonexistent.
Countless numbers of people are writing and making videos about these secrets, and they continue along for years without any interference.
Certain whistleblowers are taken out in order to prevent the spread of the truth, but these are extremely rare cases.
Another point to remember is staged murders are expensive. Eliminating a mere 100 people professionally costs half a billion dollars. That adds up quickly.
The cases you just read about were probably considered severe enough to justify the expense, even with the Cabal's financial resources continually dwindling.
Critics might say, "What do you mean? They can just print money out of thin air and spend whatever they want."
Historically that was true, but it is no longer the case in the behind-the-scenes world of today, where an international uprising against the Cabal is now occurring.
The Federal Reserve dollar has indeed been the "global reserve currency," but a huge movement is now underway to change that, as we will discuss.
The 2008 bailouts were a desperation move on an unprecedented scale. The Fed wouldn't have done it if it wasn't absolutely necessary for their survival.
The Alliance we will be meeting in the next section has worked very hard to cut off all sources of funding to the Cabal -- and it has worked very well.
The Alliance thought they were going to succeed in 2008, and were responsible for the financial cutoff that forced the bailouts to occur in the first place.
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