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Thursday, September 1, 2016

Energy Update ~ Days Away From The Most Powerful Solar Eclipse Ever!


Posted: 31 Aug 2016 01:28 PM PDT

Beloveds, we are just a few days away from the most powerful Solar Eclipse ever experienced yet by Humankind. What makes this eclipse so powerful is the alignment in which it occurs – both seen and unseen by the Earthly human realm. May we remind you that you exist in but a tiny portion of the vast Universe which you know as your Solar System and Milky Way Galaxy. We wish to reiterate the importance of being in alignment with your Soul Self at this time so that these powerful energies can be easily integrated with as little physical side effect as possible. READ MORE...

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 01:27 PM PDT

Many of the Light Bearers frequency holders will experience an upgrade body shift of purification and will be responding to New Codes of light. Through your body template you will be shifting your vibrational frequency. This will increase your sensory awareness and intuition that expands your energy aura sensitivities. 11:11 The Blue Rays, Ultra-Sensitive Empaths, Starseeds, New Forerunners and Angelics may go through this first and are setting code tone resonances for the new grid lines and consciousness. This can be experienced in various ways and via cycles of changes. Here are some of the Ascension Symptoms. READ MORE....

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 01:26 PM PDT

After the 2016 Lion’s Gate stampede, I’ve felt that rare but oh so blissful sensation of feeling mildly drugged (zero drugs people, just an energetic side effect) and absolute need to fall asleep and get out-of-body for as long as possible throughout the day. This has been going on for the past couple of weeks and is that wonderful phase where we integrate and recuperate, acclimate and adjust to the latest inner evolutionary changes. This is not the common Ascension symptom‘tired and wired’ where you’re totally exhausted beyond all comprehension but are being fried alive inside out by higher energies and your mind races nonstop the whole time. READ MORE...

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 01:25 PM PDT

There are many changes to come. Many things are about to shift. Your consciousness is shifting. The entire planet’s consciousness is shifting. The Collective Consciousness is coming along just as it needs to. Just as has been foretold by many of the prophets in the past. As you know, these are the “End Times”. These are the times that those of you, the Lightworkers, those of you who volunteered to come here, these are those times you have been waiting for and working toward. Many of you grow tired and we know this. Many of you even say, “I am done. I cannot continue on.” READ MORE...

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 01:24 PM PDT

DEEP inner cleansings, deep reflections, deep emotions... these are going to our core (and keeping us there). Anything out of sync, unresolved, not pure divine love, triggered (sometimes hard and fast with these amplification energies), and the ability to utilize total consciousness to provide different options than before. No more excuses, no apologies for living your own SOUL PURPOSES and why you do things, no more story, no more defending, no more going on the offense, for each is part of the old distorted programs and "others" or "these frequencies" are just to trigger anywhere you still do this so that you can see this for you. When you stand in honor, in alignment with SOURCE SELF from inside, you don't "owe" anyone anything. READ MORE...

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 01:23 PM PDT

Many are 'not feeling well' and some are laid up due to releasing so much of the old at the physical level...this is the 'last' place one feels a shift vibrationally from Spirit to Soul, Mentally and then Emotionally, to be released through our physical bodies...this is also impacting children/teens in a big way as well. Many felt/feel they are going 'insane' in feeling 'different' and in a different/new space/place now....add to that so much information about the three eclipses during September coming in as well energetically. This can lead to a 'overload' of information of one 'doing their head in'. READ MORE...

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 01:22 PM PDT

Gratitude is playing a larger role in your everyday lives. You are learning to be grateful and appreciate the smallest possibilities. What has us equally excited, is your ability to also see the “gratitude” in moments previously thought of as obstacles. This is the growth of a Master Dear Ones. When you can rejoice and celebrate the things that didn’t work out as you had planned, BUT you see the JOY in what did unfold, and you appreciate the lesson in that unfoldment. True Spiritual growth and understanding that only a few short years ago so many would not have seen this as an opportunity to expand their awareness. READ MORE...

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 01:21 PM PDT

Family of Light volunteers are on Earth to aid in planetary change and transformation. They are to bring in or ‘remember’ high levels of information, guidance and awareness…and most importantly to anchor the energy of unconditional love. This is to aid in raising the overall energy of the planet. Much of the information given to the planet is not new to you, it acts to stir memory, and to remind you of what you have known before. It is time to remember your mission on Earth, what you are to do, who you truly are. You are incarnated upon Earth at this time to help create a high level of light, unconditional love, knowledge, willingness to grow, and to aid in the shifting of consciousness needed for the planet. READ MORE...

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