New Live Show Number: 641-715-3636 pin 883267#

New Live Show Number: 641-715-3836 pin 883267#

↑Monday's thru Thur's,Join Us Live

Diamonds Show Monday - Thurs 8:30 pm EST, Surprise! segment, Cynthia with Astrology, Candy shop news, Special Guests, Building Relations with OUR Star Families with Chris, Learning "Who YOU Really are"

Recorded Line Via Phone 641-715-3813 pin 883267# Press # for the most recent call, or enter a previous reference # (Call by Skype phone via Skype credits or Skype phone using same number & pin above.)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Thank YOU and Gratitude Shout Out!! to all these (countries listed), that follow the Diamonds Forever 31 Blog. Love YOU all, YOU Diamonds!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Blessings of Love Peace and Joy Turning to Bliss!! elizabeth Diamond

United States, Ukraine, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Norway, Turkey, Spain, Sweden, Australia, China, France, Netherlands, Indonesia, France, West Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Iran, Iraq, Jeraslem, egypt, phillipeans, japan, Hawii, ........and More.  
                         Working with Master Kuthumi has been a pleasure and a honor, he has me taking a deep look inside of how the universe reflects through me the different aspects of God. When we connected today it was like I had new eyes to see, and new ears to hear the vibrations creating color in my soul. We are flowing at a much different aspect of our high self and it seems to be affecting many others to be in their own truths. So, today we are sending a ray of sunlight into your souls to remind you that you too have the universe reflecting aspects of God through you! This energy is generated by the Masters and Orchestrated through Yeshua the extension of Christ. 

Behold a new world within and let yourselves be realized, let the rays of sun glisten every deep aspect of energies still unfolding since your birth right. Let the magnitude of Angelic light encompass your whole sight and gaze at the glorious light being you have become. Enjoy this life at hand and let the small insignificant energies seek their own destinies without judgement. Separate feeling disconnected to the feeling of overall containment of nature within and let your light shine through....

Giving a healing activation here in a few moments, for now and for people viewing this in the future. 
It starts as soon as you place your first Name and last initial...Look at a white rose in your fore head and feel the connection start, let go of all thoughts and go within. It will be a 20 min below if are moved to do so.  SEE ABOVE details: Diamonds Forever31 show THURS NEWS  AND SAT **Going Beyond Awakening"!!

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