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Monday, June 2, 2014

It is all about YOU becoming a better Creator and living your life with JOY.Listen to This Activation and SHINE!! like a Diamond YOU are. Blessings of Love Peace and Joy Turning to Bliss!! elizabeth Diamond

The Wesak Full Moon Transmission

The May full moon of Wesak is an outpouring of love, with blessings for humanity for the year ahead.

The transmission begins with the Archangel Michael creating an impermeable barrier of Divine Love and Protection and then moves into a Blessing for JOY.

When you listen to this blessing, your cells," the very fabric of your being", will automatically be lifted into a new octave of creation.

It is all about YOU becoming a better Creator and
living your life with JOY.

(Also to listen from the home page at

Watch your inbox  Coming this Friday... May 16!

'Trusting Self - Creating the Life You Choose' 

From Judy:
  "I recorded these audios months ago, but now I have been asked to actually use them to lift unconscious resistance, self sabotage and any limiting beliefs that may still be affecting me on a subconscious level.  
"These beliefs are to do not with trusting self, making the right decisions and limiting the scope of our vision and what we think we can create.
"Like so many of you I am on the cusp of a new beginning.  

"Stuck, 'karmic energy' is the residue of past life trauma that we don't even know is there until we want to move forward and create something new.

"Then, old beliefs that we don't even know are buried within the subconscious come up to be released.  We can experience painful necks, sore backs, unexplained emotion, headaches, anxiety ... any number of physical and/or emotional responses to our soul's drive to expand and do what it is we have come to do in this lifetime.   

The 'ball and chain' of repeating karmic patterns anchor us into the past and into previous ways of being that no longer serve who we are and what our soul wishes to express.  

Trusting Self - Creating the Life you Choose has four audio tracks and an easy to follow program
of how to use them.

They'll be more information in your inbox this Friday so you
can get started if you wish at the weekend.

It's an investment of $15 that will give you the tools to create a new direction...and the energy to carry it through.

CREATE as the God Creator that you are, like you've never created before.

Did you see a Potpourri of Spiritual Magic?
It's new and it's FREE
Tracks now separated for easy listening
*  To improve Willpower and develop Strong Boundaries
*  To open the Third Eye Chakra, Enhance Clairvoyance and increase Telepathic Abilities
*  To help with Physical Aches and Pains and Detoxify the Body
Listen three times, nine times, or as desired 

A Word About Coming Events...from Judy

I am being guided right now to rest and re-calibrate, to strengthen and prepare my body to hold new and stronger energy.  However, I will be keeping in contact with you regularly and releasing as completed 'The Transcripts of Mary Magdalene', Four Fundamental Aspects of Love and two CDs with the Goddess GoldenTara, that I made recently while in India.

The only event I have planned right now is the 'Joy is Love Expressed' Retreat to be held in Sydney, Australia in mid-November.  I am deliberately clearing the space to allow Spirit to work with me, and for me to work with Spirit, just as I did 17 years ago when I first began to channel.  This not to say that I won't be holding other events this year, just that right now I am concentrating on my time with Spirit.

You will be able to register for the Sydney Retreat from the end of June.  I will be sending you further information at this time.  It is definitely a happening thing!

With many blessings to you all.  


Judy at Lily Pond

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